Crystal Load [The Ultimate Loading Screen]

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If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
MarkTWolffe Purchased posted

It's too bad that Hostinger is no longer free. (However 000webhost doesn't have ads so there's that)

Apoly posted

Cool for login screen;) Congratulations for the creation!

CaptainMcMarcus Author posted

Woops, didn't realise it said that in the description. I tend to recommend using Hostinger these days. X10 banned us a looong time ago.

CrimsonHazeTV posted


CaptainMcMarcus Author posted

Hi @Celeste, if you open up a support ticket I can help you out

Celeste Purchased posted

@carptainmcmarcus can you help me please i can't work out how to host this, as it says it can't connect to my web host :(

CaptainMcMarcus Author posted

@YT: iTsLuDoMANiA If you open up a support ticket I can help you out.

YT: iTsLuDoMANiA posted

@ Captian how do you configure this

[F2B] BigBuffalo posted

@CaptainMcMarcus its my mate who actually purchased, but he is on holiday so he's making me do everything. But not to worry we don't need player pictures when they join xD

CaptainMcMarcus Author posted

Hi @BigBuffalo, open up a support ticket and I can help you out :)

[F2B] BigBuffalo posted

Hi, me and my mate own a private server and he told me to come on here to say that there is no player picture when people join our server. Is there anyway to fix or remove this?


CaptainMcMarcus Author posted

@SpookyScarySkeleton You can't set a youtube video as the background, with a little bit of tweaking you might be able to set a .gif as a background but I wouldn't recommend it as that would increase the amount of time it'll take for the page to load.

Giorno Giovana posted

I am considering purchasing this but, I have a quick question... Can you do a .gif or lets say a youtube background?

CaptainMcMarcus Author posted

Hey dude, that might be an error on ScriptFodders part. You can contact them or you can send me a PM with your transaction ID and I can hunt the purchase down. When the site got upgraded a few purchases didn't go through.

Nutter posted

I can recall purchasing this addon a few months back, and it's no longer available? the heck.

CaptainMcMarcus Author posted

@ExplosiveDog1 Hi, if your friend requires script support he will need to open a support ticket

GmodStore System posted

My friend has this on his server but it won't display any player information for some reason. He has also added his steam API key properly, any idea guys?

Sueleybyte Purchased posted

I also put the Scriptfodder Link on the Description :)

Sueleybyte Purchased posted

Hello @CaptainMcMarcus i am a YouTuber and i like your Loading Screen :) Can i make a Video about your Loading Screen?

CaptainMcMarcus Author posted

Hi Canne, please open a support ticket

Canne posted

Which folder is it or file

Canne posted

Anyone knows how to change the logo?

Pierre7817 Purchased posted

Great product and excellent support ! I really recommend this.

LGGreenGaming Purchased posted

Also unlimited, the reason why is sounds like you put the actual Crystal folder into the main directory IF so that is why you can't access it. You need to either type with a capital C or re-name it to "load" or something similiar. Just like any system, you need to make sure you get your caps correct or just leave it all lowercased.

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