Mac's Quest System

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Uses third party DRM. The product author has marked that this product uses a third party DRM service, you might have restricted access to the product source code and/or require additional setup after purchase.

In short

Mac's Quest System or MQS, an Advanced Quest System for any gamemode with an in-game editor.

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Introducing to you - the Mac's Quest System. Simple to use quest creation system with a lot of advanced game-changing features. The main feature of this addon is the in-game quest editor with the ability to playtest your quest as you make it without making it playable for all players. You can create quests without single Lua file editing, or even leaving your server.

This addon can add much more than simply some quests. You can create special jobs or tasks for existing jobs. For example, you can make a Bus driver job, with a limitation on how many players can play the quest at the same time and actually creating a few bus driver quests with different routes, or simple city services workers.

We also have plans to evolve this addon and add more features to it. So if you lack some features, or you have a unique idea, let us know, and probably it will be done in the next update.

In-game editor

This is one of the most important features. All quests can be created, edited, and play tested in-game, without any restart or editing of a single Lua file.

Quest variation

You can create as many different scenarios for your quest as you want. Quests can be useful for any themed servers (Standart DarkRP, StarWars, Medieval, Military and etc.). Here are some of the quest variations we made ourselves:

🏙️Server introduction

  • Server introduction quest, that can show to player key places on the server and give a small reward
  • Introduction to some jobs, with a small task for them

🤵Special jobs

  • City worker
  • Delivery service
  • Farmworker
  • Garbage collection
  • Quests for hobos

🚘Vehicle-based quest

  • Bus driver, with a payment for each loop
  • Delivery service
  • Logistic worker
  • Small race by checkpoints for time
  • Police persecute


  • NPC killing quests
  • Military quests, like: Guarding an area, Patrol and etc
  • Simple "go-to point" quest
  • Simple "collect and bring" quest
  • Complex story-based quests

Easy configuration

As well, as easy and fast user customization, this addon has an in-game configuration menu. You can enable or disable needed features without opening a single Lua file, the same as for an in-game editor.

Creating a storyline

You can go fully advanced with this quest system, you can create story quests, which can be played one by one in the order you set, unlocking special things for the player, the only limitation will be creativity.

Reward system

For each quest, you can set a custom reward. For now, you can select from these rewards:

  • DarkRP money
  • Helix money
  • Pointshop 1 and 2 points
  • Pointshop 1 and 2 items
  • Giving a weapon
  • Giving XP points using DarkRP Leveling System and GlorifiedLeveling
  • More will be added to this list. You can create a support ticket with a request for adding the reward option you need.

Fast access to quests

Just by opening the menu, players will see all available quests. If the quest is blacklisted for his job, or he didn't unlock a new quest, it will not be it the menu. The menu can be opened via chat/console command, or the context menu (same as editor).

Integrated quest giving NPCs

We also offer you an in-game NPC editor. With it help you can create NPCs that will give player quests. You can manually assign quests to each NPC and create a small unique dialogue for each NPC. If the quest is not assigned to the NPC, unlocked by the player, or is blacklisted for him then the player will not see it. This will help to split quests by categories via different NPCs. Location of all quest giving NPCs can be shown to the player if he types chat/console command for quest menu, or by pressing MQS icon on the context menu (same as editor).

Full support for MAC's Simple NPCs

You can assign quests the same way to Simple NPCs, and you will have much more integration with it. Also, you can create quests with will require talking to an NPC and will open quest-specific dialogue. This can be a huge step up for role-playing and your server also will bring more life into storyline quests.

Language control

For now, we have these languages supported: English (default), Russian, French. But it is simple enough to add your own language. Language can be selected via in-game configuration.


Introducing to you - the Mac's Quest System. Simple to use quest creation system with a lot of advanced game-changing features. The main feature of this addon is the in-game quest editor with the ability to playtest your quest as you make it without making it playable for all players. You can create quests without single Lua file editing, or even leaving your server.

This addon can add much more than simply some quests. You can create special jobs or tasks for existing jobs. For example, you can make a Bus driver job, with a limitation on how many players can play the quest at the same time and actually creating a few bus driver quests with different routes, or simple city services workers.

We also have plans to evolve this addon and add more features to it. So if you lack some features, or you have a unique idea, let us know, and probably it will be done in the next update.


To install this addon to your server just unzip all folders to your garrysmod/addons folder. The main configuration can be done through the game. Just open your in-game editor (by pressing the MQS icon in the context menu or typing the mqs_editor console command) and navigate to Settings. Only users with superadmin privileges can access the server settings.

Note, this addon will contain two folders mc_quest and mcd_ui which both must be placed inside your addon folder. If you already have mcd_ui addon, you can skip or update the files, as it was downloaded with my other products.

Content will download automatically, but here is a workshop addon if you need it


Introducing to you - the Mac's Quest System. Simple to use quest creation system with a lot of advanced game-changing features. The main feature of this addon is the in-game quest editor with the ability to playtest your quest as you make it without making it playable for all players. You can create quests without single Lua file editing, or even leaving your server.

This addon can add much more than simply some quests. You can create special jobs or tasks for existing jobs. For example, you can make a Bus driver job, with a limitation on how many players can play the quest at the same time and actually creating a few bus driver quests with different routes, or simple city services workers.

We also have plans to evolve this addon and add more features to it. So if you lack some features, or you have a unique idea, let us know, and probably it will be done in the next update.

Documentation on quest creation and more:


Introducing to you - the Mac's Quest System. Simple to use quest creation system with a lot of advanced game-changing features. The main feature of this addon is the in-game quest editor with the ability to playtest your quest as you make it without making it playable for all players. You can create quests without single Lua file editing, or even leaving your server.

This addon can add much more than simply some quests. You can create special jobs or tasks for existing jobs. For example, you can make a Bus driver job, with a limitation on how many players can play the quest at the same time and actually creating a few bus driver quests with different routes, or simple city services workers.

We also have plans to evolve this addon and add more features to it. So if you lack some features, or you have a unique idea, let us know, and probably it will be done in the next update.


Be advised that the addon uses a digital rights management system. There are no restrictions to use it on multiple servers, and there is no additional setup required.

You still will remain accessible to all addon codebase, except for some core functions. DRM has no heavy impact on server performance, that's why we do not offer a non DRM version.

Note. Breaking license rules, any abuse, or tampering with the DRM will result in immediate license revoked.


Support will be provided quickly as possible. If you own my other addons, you probably know that :)

We have planned a lot of new features and DLCs which you can check here:

If you have your own suggestions and ideas to improve the addon, join our Discord server -

List of supported addons and features they add:

MAC's Simple NPCs - Talk to an NPC objective, quests assignment to Simple NPCs

Leveling System - XP reward on quest success

GlorifiedLeveling - XP and LvL reward on quest success

Pointshop and Pointshop 2 - Points/Item reward on quest success

P.S. This list will expand. You can suggest your addon to support in the discussion section, or, if you are a content creator, contact me directly


Introducing to you - the Mac's Quest System. Simple to use quest creation system with a lot of advanced game-changing features. The main feature of this addon is the in-game quest editor with the ability to playtest your quest as you make it without making it playable for all players. You can create quests without single Lua file editing, or even leaving your server.

This addon can add much more than simply some quests. You can create special jobs or tasks for existing jobs. For example, you can make a Bus driver job, with a limitation on how many players can play the quest at the same time and actually creating a few bus driver quests with different routes, or simple city services workers.

We also have plans to evolve this addon and add more features to it. So if you lack some features, or you have a unique idea, let us know, and probably it will be done in the next update.

Created with love by our Team

Team Members:

Developer - Mactavish

Second Developer - Rager.exe

Content manager - Ninja Noize

Art designer - Captain Jack

Extra credits and huge thanks go to:

NvC_DmN_CH - Halloween Subnail picture (from map GM_Stormy_Night)

Stromic - help with advising

lambdaguy101 - major help as a beta tester - most of the icons - some icons

Direct link:

Other Addons


Introducing to you - the Mac's Quest System. Simple to use quest creation system with a lot of advanced game-changing features. The main feature of this addon is the in-game quest editor with the ability to playtest your quest as you make it without making it playable for all players. You can create quests without single Lua file editing, or even leaving your server.

This addon can add much more than simply some quests. You can create special jobs or tasks for existing jobs. For example, you can make a Bus driver job, with a limitation on how many players can play the quest at the same time and actually creating a few bus driver quests with different routes, or simple city services workers.

We also have plans to evolve this addon and add more features to it. So if you lack some features, or you have a unique idea, let us know, and probably it will be done in the next update.

Product reviews

4.86 average based on 19 reviews

Cutta Chase Beats{TrBgC}
Its a great system but has issues with duplicating
Like this system alot. Has everything you need for making quests. It just has issues when coming to loading duplicated quests. there are times where you can get unexpected errors even when you did everything right
By Cutta Chase Beats{TrBgC} -
(version 1.5.0)
This honestly Brings life to darkrp servers. you can create in depth quests for all types of stuff. Must have addon because you can easily make different types of delivery, hitman etc missions and cut out alot of the other addons on the store.
By Boogie -
(version 1.5.0)
Great addon
Everything is fine but only two things are missing, binding quests to Helix characters and not to SteamID and issuing things in the inventory Helix (say if the inventory is full, you need to make room or thing falls next to)
This product was received for free
By Выживший -
(version 1.5.0)
Great job.
This scenario is very easy to set up and opens up huge opportunities for server owners. The only thing missing is the delay after completing quests to create daily quests. But in general, as I said above, the addon is great and believe me, with proper use you will create a wonderful atmosphere and delight the players.
By Jijatoro -
(version 1.5.0)
Great script, great support.
This script is amazingly in-depth and user friendly, you can create quests super easy with little to no knowledge and can further advance that to insanely creative quests if you've got a little bit of lua knowledge. I had one issue with NPCs but was quickly reached out to and got into a 1 on 1 call with a member of Mac's team (Rager) who helped fixed it in no time. Buy!
By Jouaram -
(version 1.5.0)
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Uses third party DRM. The product author has marked that this product uses a third party DRM service, you might have restricted access to the product source code and/or require additional setup after purchase.

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