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In short
Handcuffs and hand-ties for an enhanced role-playing experience. Police can handcuff suspects for questioning or criminals can tie up their enemies!
To install, simply drop into your garrysmod/addons/ folder. Servers may require a restart when a new addon is added.
- Handcuff players!
- Handcuffed players can't use any weapons
- Handcuffed players have reduced speed
- Captives can break free to escape restraints!
- Six different types of restraint!
- Tie captives up!
- Blindfold your captives so they can't see where you take them!
- Gag your captives so they can't scream for help!
- Free your friends from their restraints!
Server-side console variables to configure your server's handcuffs.
- cuffs_restrictarrest: [def 1] [DarkRP] Players must be handcuffed to be arrested.
- cuffs_autoarrest: [def 0] [DarkRP] Players are automatically arrested when handcuffed by a police job.
- cuffs_restrictsuicide: [def 1] Handcuffed players cannot suicide.
- cuffs_restrictteams: [def 1] Handcuffed players cannot change team (or job in DarkRP)
- cuffs_allowbreakout: [def 1] Handcuffed players can break out of their restraints. Does not affect other players freeing them.
- cuffs_restrictvehicle: [def 0] Handcuffed players cannot enter vehicles.
These are server-side hooks for use by coders.
Hook Name | Arguments | Description ------------------------|----------------------------------------|------------------------------- CuffsCanHandcuff | Player, Target | Called when Player attempts tocuff Target. Returns bool. OnHandcuffed | Player, CuffedPlayer, Handcuffs | Called when Player handcuffs CuffedPlayer. OnHandcuffBreak | CuffedPlayer, Handcuffs, Friend | Called when CuffedPlayer breaks out or freed by Friend. OnHandcuffGag | Player, GaggedPlayer, Handcuffs | Called when Player gags Gagged Player. OnHandcuffUnGag | Player, UnaggedPlayer, Handcuffs | Called when Player ungags UngaggedPlayer. OnHandcuffBlindfold | Player, BlindPlayer, Handcuffs | Called when Player blinds BlindPlayer. OnHandcuffUnBlindfold | Player, UnBlindPlayer, Handcuffs | Called when Player unblinds UnBlindPlayer. OnHandcuffStartDragging | Player, DraggedPlayer, Handcuffs | Called when Player drags DraggedPlayer. OnHandcuffStopDragging | Player, DraggedPlayer, Handcuffs | Called when Player stops dragging DraggedPlayer. OnHandcuffTied | Player, TiedPlayer, Handcuffs, HookEnt | Called when Player ties TiedPlayer. OnHandcuffUnTied | Player, TiedPlayer, Handcuffs, HookEnt | Called when Player unties Tied Player.
Type | Str | Reg | Reusable | Gag/Blind | Dragging | Hands-Free Captive ----------|------|-----|----------|-----------|----------|-------------------- Standard | 1.0 | 1.0 | No | No | No | No Plastic | 0.8 | 0.6 | No | No | No | No Shackles | 1.4 | 0.8 | No | No | No | No Rope | 0.85 | 0.8 | No | Yes | Yes | No Rope** | 0.85 | 0.8 | No | No | Yes | Yes Elastic | 1.0 | 1.6 | No | Yes | Yes | No Elastic** | 1.0 | 1.6 | No | No | Yes | Yes Tactical | 0.55 | 0.8 | Yes* | No | No | No Police | 1.0 | 1.6 | Yes* | No | No | No
* Handcuffs are not reusable in DayZ gamemode.
** Leash variant.
This addon will be kept compatible with the latest official release of Garry's Mod for as long as it is available here. If you have any issues, do not hesitate to open a support ticket. Support will only be provided via support tickets.
Wall of Shame
Date | Username | Profile | Screenshots
2016-07-03 | [ARP] iamRJK | [Scriptfodder] [Steam] |
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