Updating DarkRP resolved that issue, thank you
If the truck dlc is enabled, it won’t check for the distance. If you have further problems open a support ticket!
Using this on my server and noticed that if you leave the vault to go get the truck, it'll cancel the heist. If you wait out in the vault with the money and don't get the truck you fail as you haven't delivered the money?
going to leave this here http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1141456464
For a sec I thought this was the DLC for the Payday Bank Robbery System
Thank you everyone!
Looks nice, however I wouldn't have a use for it on my sever! Glws!!
glws :D
Looks nice GLWS
Never seen this idea ive always just seen the truck stays in one place and boring stuff this is really cool.
Nice I liked the bank addon