DarkRP Essentials - HUD, Leveling, Bank, Armory, Chargers

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In short

This script includes all the essentials for a DarkRP server, such as: Armory, Bank Vault, Deposit boxes, Mini Vaults, HUD, leaderboard, levelling, health/armor chargers, custom models, lockpicks and police levelling.

What is this script?

This script is a pack of essential parts for a DarkRP server, this script is easy to configure and makes your server look more developed as everything uses the same UI theme and so makes the server look more professional. This script helps keep your server new and exciting for players, it makes players want to play on your server as this script adds grindy aspects to your server as well as fun aspects.

Brick's Credit Store - Multiple stores, suits, credits

Brick's Enhanced SWEPs - Taser/Keys/Handcuffs/Battering Ram +More

Brick's Crafting - Quests/Mining/Inventory

DarkRP Foundation - Inventory, Printers, ATM, Bank, Armory, HUD


  • MySQL Support - All player data is saved using MySQL
  • Custom HUD
  • Smooth animations
  • Health and armor bars
  • Clean design
  • Support for Vrondkais' leveling system
  • Custom Leveling System
  • Custom notifications
  • Custom leveling HUD
  • 10 ways to earn experience
  • Anti-teamkill system
  • Jobs, Entities and Shipments can be level restricted: add this to the code "level = 5"
  • Commands (ULX): "!setlvl (player) (amount)", "!addlvl (player) (amount)", "!addexp (player) (amount)"
  • Bank entity
  • Robbable, rewards: money and experience
  • Neat UI
  • Deposit Boxes entity
  • Robbable, rewards: money and experience
  • Neat UI and custom model
  • Armory entity
  • Robbable, rewards: money, experience and weapon shipments
  • Neat UI and custom model
  • Needs bolt cutters to rob - custom model/animations
  • Health/Armor charger entities
  • Neat UI
  • Customizable speeds and storage
  • Police leveling system
  • Allows withdraw of weapons, ammo and armor in the armory
  • Very customizable and custom HUD
  • Jobs, Entities and Shipments can be level restricted: add this to the code "policelevel = 5"
  • Commands (ULX): "!setpolicelvl (player) (amount)", "!addpolicelvl (player) (amount)", "!addpoliceexp (player) (amount)"
  • Custom lockpick/pro lockpick
  • Customizable speeds in config
  • Custom models and animations
  • Custom bolt cutters
  • Custom model
  • Customizable speed in config
  • Levelling Leader board
  • Shows players in order of highest level
  • Can be turned on/off
  • Can be opened with any command (configurable)
  • Minimum level to appear on the board can be set
  • Custom models ( Heist bag, gold bars, mini vaults )
  • Neat animations when opening
  • Gold needs to be moved away before selling
  • Gold can be stored in heist bags
  • Gives experience and money


  1. Drag the 3 folders into addons.
  2. Config the addons in darkrpessentialsmain/lua/autorun/csconfig.lua and darkrpessentialspolice/lua/autorun/policelvlconfig.lua
  3. Restart your server!

Saving entities:

  1. Place the armouries/deposit boxes/banks around your map.
  2. Type "!drpe_save_entities" in chat.
  3. The entities will stay on server restart.
  4. To remove an entity, remove it and then type "!drpe_save_entities" in chat.
  5. Content: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1549158301


  1. Ensure that you first have Mysqloo installed (v.9)
  2. Set "DARKRP_ESSENTIALS.CONFIG.UseMySQL" to true in the main config
  3. Go to "lua/darkrp_essentials/core/server/darkrpessentials_sql.lua" and enter your MySQL database details
  4. Save the modified files and restart the server


Support has been is through gmodstore tickets, make a ticket, don't ask me on Discord.

Click here to join my discord for any development updates.


  • Sterling Pierce - Models
  • Vamolox - Graphical concepts/Banner

Developer Hooks:

"DRPE_OnPlayerLevelUp", Arguments: (ply, amount)

"DRPE_OnPlayerPoliceLevelUp", Arguments: (ply, amount)

Product reviews

5.00 average based on 14 reviews

Cheap and Amazing!
This mod has tons of awesome things in it to help make your server great. For such a good price you get so much. Support is extremely fast as well! *MUST BUY*
(version 1.5.4)
Branch Off Bush
Amazing content and Super easy to use as a server developer.
This addon is almost like an all in one kit to start an RP server with the bonus of a cooler looking lockpick. No complaints about this purchase at all.
By Branch Off Bush -
(version 1.5.4)
Excellent. Just Perfect
I Was Looking For A Leveling System For My Server And I Came Across DarkRP Essentials. I Took A Glance At It And Said Instantly, YES. The Addon Was Made By One Of The Absolute Legends. I Am Also Happy To Know That We As Users Get Excellent And Immediate Responses. The Guy And His Team Are Legends Glad I Used My Money Well. Keep It Going! ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ‘
By Mr.Potato -
(version 1.5.1)
Excellent, amazing content
I couldn't be more impressed. The work done by the author is extensive and amazing. Support tickets are answered nearly immediately, and with supremely helpful advice. 10/10
By Morgoth -
(version 1.4.3)
Life Saver
Great support, added a job blacklist which helps if you have custom job on Prometheus so you don't need to take the job from Prometheus and add it manually into darkrp and the addon config, absolute legend
By glitch. -
(version 1.3.7)
1 of 3
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This product is marked as unsupported. That means there is no support available for this product.


by Brickwall

There is a new version of this addon, its not a direct replacement but it is the same sort of addon and much much better. https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/7244

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Brick&Sterling 1
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