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Curator's Featured Review
I must say at first glance I thought this script was just going to be one of those ordinary scripts that are around on gmodstore that some 16-year boy uploaded to the store to create some extra money for college. However, I was wrong, you should never judge a book by its cover, so always live by those words. This was when i started to investigate about what the script was actually about. The first thing i did was contact the creator to ask a bit more about what it does. He allowed me to have a free trial of it to see if it would fit well on my server. At this point my expectations for this script were still pretty low, well, this was until I started to use it. After a bit of time, I started to see the true potential of the script itself, and due to there being so many different features it was really fun going around and experimenting with all the different entities. Overall, it is a good script and you should 100% buy it, I shall be doing so soon when the development of my server is almost finished. And a big bonus is that BrickWall responds too you within the hour to help out with any issues you have. Love the guy and love the script.
In short
This script includes all the essentials for a DarkRP server, such as: Armory, Bank Vault, Deposit boxes, Mini Vaults, HUD, leaderboard, levelling, health/armor chargers, custom models, lockpicks and police levelling.
What is this script?
This script is a pack of essential parts for a DarkRP server, this script is easy to configure and makes your server look more developed as everything uses the same UI theme and so makes the server look more professional. This script helps keep your server new and exciting for players, it makes players want to play on your server as this script adds grindy aspects to your server as well as fun aspects.
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