If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Yep, of course.

Is it possible to customize the types of weapons that are in the armory? For example, changing weapons to FAS:2 Guns?

I think they might be adding some sort of wishlist in the new gmodstore. Thanks :)

Wish there was an option on this site to favorite scripts to come back to later. This looks like a must have!

Ok, yeah, will add that to future updates list.

and the ammount of gun per shipments too , cause 10 is a bit much for my server

would be a nice addtion to be able to restrict wich shipments can be spawned by the armory then

Not really, the shipments that get stolen are any shipment that has been created in the darkrp shipments.lua

Is there a way to change wich shipments get stolen from the armory ? (if you prefer my server owner can dm you , he is the one that buyed it)

Not atm, sorry.

Can you change to Spanish?

I have been wanting that leader board for like a month now, thank you! Can't wait for scoreboard, f4, and f1 menus. Keep up the great work.

Yeah, may do that, they all sound like some good ideas.

and maybe a tab for police leveling on the leaderboard to xD

Also maybe add the option for money to the leaderboard

Maybe add support for (or would that be supported natively?)

Nope, but I will not be adding that as I don't feel that it really relates to this pack very well.

Is an inventory system, something that have been suggested yet?

Thanks :) anymore suggestions?

This script just keeps getting sexier haha, I cant wait to have the money for your new one

I think thats all of them.

Cool, thanks if you do remember anymore please do tell!

Also first join, hit success and playing on the server.

Not on PC atm, so don't have the list. But youve got, NPC kills, lockpicking, bank robberies, armory robberies, deposit box robberies, entering a lottery, winning the lottery. Probably a few more, can't remember off the top of my head.