If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Hey I was wanting to give a suggestion for the leveling. Add a reward system and a leaderboard so people can track each others levels, those two would be amazing

Yep, and the ammo/armor

Is it possible to change all the guns in the armory?

Yes, you can disable the HUD. There is no printer.

Hello, I would like to know if there is in the configuration of the addon a way to disable the HUD and printer?

That has been added to future updates.

I just wanted to ask if it was possible to add a custom car dealer or just a re-texture, in a later state of the addon?.

OK, thanks. :)

Good, will purchase addon when it works with ServerGuard

Currently, the commands only work with ULX. Plan on making it work with serverguard.

Is this addon ServerGuard compatible or does the commands work with serverguard I mean

Thanks for the questions. The perk system has been added to my trello board of future updates, this means that it might be implemented and has no date. MySQL is also on the board and may be implemented - if it is implemented, it will be difficult for you to transfer. About updating, in some circumstances you may be required to replace all files, in others you may not, but the data will be safe most of the time. About a "strong load", I assume you mean "will the script affect performance?", well it will, but not more than all these scripts combined would.

I would like to know the answers to a couple of questions.. When will the perk system appear? Will there ever be mysql? if so, will it be possible to transfer the current database there? Just a question about updates when you release for example, the upgrade perks, my players will not suffer? I just have 3 levels of system, all bought on gmodstore, but 1 of them causes a heavy load and memory leak, and 2 just does not work, recently noticed your system, but I'm afraid to put it, I want to know if I put and will update, after the update the players their data will be saved? And the question about the load, when online in 105 people, the system gives a strong load? Sorry for so many questions, I just really like your system, if there is a system of perks it will be generally divine! However, I'm afraid to put it on the main server..

yes, thanx =)

Do you mean leveling perks? If so, I added it to future updates list.

will there be perks in this system?

You can now set/add policelevels, add policeexp, set/add levels and addexp. Also, you can now restrict jobs/shipments/entities to police levels by adding "policelevel = 5" to the code.

Thank you :) Should have an update coming out tonight for some of the requested stuff.

A full package! I never see these and man does it look good. I think the price is just a little too high but I guess with what you offer its not bad at all. Great job. Hope to see great updates!

Thanks for the responsive developpement :)


And a minimum Police LVL to become a job

Ok, will do.

Please add 2 commands for add LVL and Police LVL at a player