If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.

Getting kind of a TF2 vibe from this and I like it a lot. May purchase in the future, GLWS!

Will add to the list.

And a language File

Can you add this feature: It would take a minimum number of police to Rob the Bank

I might add that for a future update.

Can you make it possible for more than 1 person to rob the bank (Like a group) And then make it show who´s robbing the bank? :)

Nope, all of it will work fine without the leveling.

Excellent, and leveling isn't required right? I might be interested in a purchase

You can disable most modules, including the levelling. If anything else needs disabling, you can create a support ticket.

Are you able toggle or disable certain features of the addon you don't want? For example, can I disable the leveling system? Does the addon RELY on the leveling system?

@Threebow do u really have nothing to complain about holy shit u must hate urself
anyways this shit is dope, glws :D

It will still open the armory. But it will still say "Press E to open", I will get this fixed soon so that it says "Press (+use bind) to open".

"Press E to open" what if I have my +use bound to something else?

@thomas.vrillac I just added a showcase video, thanks for the suggestion. @priorduck★ I just added support for Vrondkais' leveling to the script, thanks for the suggestion.

Thanks for your comments. When making a script for gmod store, you make a script that people are going to buy.

Also might I add this banner is really famaliar. Hmmm thinkingface.

Yikes. This is just making it easier and easier for servers to be less unique. DarkRP is already saturated with servers with content only from gmodstore and this just makes it worse.
It seems like people that actually liked DarkRP for the unique semi-serious roleplay experiences are just going to run into repeats if they don't join those few that run the monopoly today.
Nothing against you I suppose, you had a good idea for a script and this is pretty neat.

Yep, will most likely implement that soon. May update it for that tomorrow.

Vrondakis leveling support would be nice so you dont have to use the custom one if you dont want to but you do want to use the level hud.

Will do when I get on a better computer.

Hi can you add yt video for your script

Yep, you can disable most stuff, including the HUD. If there's some thing else you want to disable but it isn't in the config, you can make create a support ticket.

Rexxor check the post under yours, you can disable some stuff aswell..