DarkRP Essentials - HUD, Leveling, Bank, Armory, Chargers

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Cybernetic Spectre Purchased posted

Thanks for not forcing the hud dad <3

Brickwall AuthorModerator posted

Yep, just fixing a small bug now and adding that in.

[/CC/] Mr.Mouse CL [DKK RP] Purchased posted

And for Certain jobs

[/CC/] Mr.Mouse CL [DKK RP] Purchased posted

Yes thats what i mean my friend :)

Aperture Development posted

Looks great

Brickwall AuthorModerator posted

Do you mean so that shipments/entities can be restricted to certain levels?

[/CC/] Mr.Mouse CL [DKK RP] Purchased posted

"which can give players access to new jobs. However there is currently no leveling system for other jobs." Would other Guns/Entitys be an oppertunity? Then im 99% Sure to purchase it :)

Nykez Moderator posted

Yes, I like this. I really love the ideas of “suites” instead of single scripts. Glws

Brickwall AuthorModerator posted

There is a police leveling system which allows the police to withdraw better weapons/armor/ammo, there is also a general leveling system which can give players access to new jobs. However there is currently no leveling system for other jobs.

[/CC/] Mr.Mouse CL [DKK RP] Purchased posted

Is the leveling system only comming for CP? I would really love to be able to give other jobs upgrades aswell, Gangsters could get weapon unlock or entity unlocks by playing, Would that be possible?

Brickwall AuthorModerator posted

Thanks for all the comments, it is possible to disable the HUD, currently it does not support glevel. We do not have any language support yet.

DanFMN posted

I would've released these individually unfortunately. Good luck with sales mate!

Owain posted

Interesting script. glws

ιςεføχ Purchased posted

and support police lvl system glevel?

ιςεføχ Purchased posted

Is it possible to disable hud?

priorduck★ Purchased posted


Alvìss posted

langage support?

[L²:RP] Vimpto posted


Merty posted


Mim Purchased posted


Aber31385 posted


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