DarkRP Fire System - Weapons DLC

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Fire Hose Effect
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This product is DLC for the product DarkRP Fire System (Fire Fighters, Extinguishers, Fire Axe, Fire Trucks). You need to purchase the core product before you can purchase this one.
In short

This DLC expands the DarkRP Fire System with exclusive weapons and entities. Below is a list of weapons, and what they do, and how you can use them to make the fire system even more exciting.


🧯 Fire Hose

The most effective way yet to put out fire as a fire fighter. The fire hose only works when a fire truck is nearby, but is much more effective than the regular handheld extinguisher.

The hose extinguishes fire at a faster rate, than the regular extinguisher and uses a different water effect.

(The firefighter jobs will automatically be equipped with this weapon if you own this DLC)

SETUP: By default the hose works with all fire trucks you have added to the fire truck NPC. If you for some reason have other vehicles you want the fire hose to work nearby, you can add them at lua/autorun/firedlc_extraconfig.lua at the top.

💣 Incendiary Grenade

A fire incendiary grenade that will create a lot of fires once it blows up.

It spawns a configurable amount of fires randomly when it explodes.

🌊 Firestopper Grenade

This firestopper grenade will stop any fire in a specified range around it's "explosion" point.

It kills the fires with a water explosion effect, which looks pretty cool.

Gasoline Tank

This isn't really a weapon, but can be used as one. The gasoline tank spawns as an entity/prop, and can take damage.

When it hit's 0, it explodes and creates a configurable amount of fires randomly around it's position.


Simply extract the addon and drop the darkrpfiresystem_weaponsdlc folder into your addons folder.

Discord Server

I own a Discord server for customers and anyone else who wish to join. I will occasionally provide exclusive offers and help with minor issues that might occur with my scripts. If you have a more serious problem, please create a support ticket on GModStore.

The only custom content required for this DLC is the firehose. It is automatically downloaded with the Fire System Content on the workshop.

You must have the DarkRP Fire System installed on your server for this to work.

The grenades are from CSS which is required for DarkRP to work.

If you find any problems with the script, please create a support ticket with details of the situation and a copy/paste of the error in console. I am also not interested in modifying you a custom version of the addon. Also not upon payment. Sorry!

Conflicting addons is not to be said if I will support that or not. This is something I will decide upon confrontation about a conflicting addon. If you have some sort of proof that an addon is conflicting with my addon, please send me a PM with the details you might have.

Thank you!

If you like this script, you should check out some of my other addons for DarkRP. Just click the banner to open the script page in a new tab.

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4.88 average based on 15 reviews

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This product is DLC for the product DarkRP Fire System (Fire Fighters, Extinguishers, Fire Axe, Fire Trucks). You need to purchase the core product before you can purchase this one.
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