Human Trafficking (NPC's, Dynamic Payouts, Police Interaction)

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  • Fixed an error if an NPC is killed with a world entity during a mission.

Updated file: lua/ch_human_trafficking/server/traffic_hooks.lua



  • Fixed a problem with menus on widescreen.
  • Removed table.HasValue for optimization.
  • Cached LocalPlayer when used multiple times in a function for optimization.
  • Removed some loops where possible for optimization.
  • Fixed not removing NPCs if the player abandoned the truck but still finished the mission on foot.


  • Fixed not removing ragdolls after they die and the config timer runs out.
  • Use config CH_HumanTraffic.Config.HT_DeadNPCBodyTimer to determine how long ragdolls stay for.


  • Fixed an error when a NPC was killed by a non-valid attacker entity (like a missile for example).

Updated file: lua/ch_human_trafficking/server/traffic_hooks.lua



We're jumping straight to 2.0 for this release. The primary purpose of this update is to update a very old addon to bring it closer to today's standard in regards to the code. There's been a lot of focus on optimizing code and redoing some old design. It isn't perfect, but it also isn't an entire recode and the update is completely free for all customers <3

  • Addon structure now follows gmodstore guidelines.
  • New overhead design on buy and sell NPCs.
  • Replaced depreciated self.Owner with self:GetOwner()
  • Implemented proper usage of DistToSqr to only show 3d2d when close enough (configurable).
  • Cached colors and materials.
  • Replaced all possible pairs with ipairs.
  • Use DarkRP.formatMoney instead of hardcoding dollar sign.
  • Implemented a proper delay on detain and tie npc weapons.
  • Removed a few remaining usage of Distance and replaced with DistToSqr.
  • You can now also right click with both weapons and it will act as primary attack.
  • Replaced depreciated self.Weapon with self.
  • Background color for the NPC menus is now darker.
  • Added more notifications to the tie and detain npc weapons so they're less confusing.
  • Adjusted NPC positions in default supported trucks.
  • Added default configuration for new LW trucks.
  • Mercedes Sprinter Boxtruck
  • Mercedes Sprinter LWB
  • Mercedes Sprinter SWB
  • Fixed showing incorrect cooldown when trying to traffic humans.
  • Replaced depreciated UniqueID with EntIndex.
  • Fixed a bunch of stuff with killing NPCs being trafficked.
  • The NPCs have "pocket cash" on them, which drops if killed by a non-trafficker.
  • Some code was called with any NPC killed, not just the trafficking npcs.
  • Fixed missing config causing an error.
  • Fixed error if killing an npc_citizen entity without an owner.
  • Removed all usage of global functions/variables.
  • Changed the font to Montserrat.
  • Redone the display through the map to show where the drop-off is.
  • Distance now shows properly in meters.
  • Only create timers when necessary and remove them again when they're not needed.
  • Rate limited net messages.

Check out the new video presentation and media for updated user interface.



  • Fixed being able to kill NPC's after latest GMod update.
  • Updated NPC codes to newer and cleaner code.
  • Added config HTConfig.HT_StartMissionNPCModel
  • Added config HTConfig.HT_FinishMissionNPCModel
  • Replaced all Distance with DistToSqr for optimization.
  • Fixed downloading old content pack.


  • Added functionality that will respawn NPC's once admins clean up the server.

Updated files: lua/autorun/server/traffic_initialize.lua



  • New icons for menus and NPC's.
  • Config HT_TruckDisplayDistance now counts for both NPC's overhead display.
  • Added an on-screen display when you begin trafficking to show where the drop-off NPC is located on the map.
  • Fixed a problem where government jobs did not get the human confiscate weapon on respawn.
  • Added a delay on the confiscate weapon and tie to truck weapon for the sake of spam-prevention.
  • Completely reorganized the code.
  • Moved remaining networking to the net library, means better optimized (sorry for this taking forever).
  • Removed unnecessary use of NW vars. Optimizes the script even more.
  • NPCs will now scream for help during the trafficking process. Both male and females voices are used and this is all randomized.
  • There are no longer any restarts required when changing position of the NPC's. They automatically respawn after 5 seconds.
  • Removed config HT_TrafficNPCModel and HT_SellNPCModel as they are not needed.
  • Renamed all fonts to something unique to avoid conflicts.

There are also more updates to the code, but I don't want to list minor things. I recommend you do a complete reinstall of the addon. Check out the "Content" tab on the script to see which workshop addons you need to add to your collection.

As always, suggestions are appreciated in the discussion section and bugs/issues should be submitted through a support ticket. Thanks!

  • Fixed an issue with the mission display not correctly updating the heads sometimes when NPC's are killed.

Been awhile since I last updated this addon, so here is a few improvements <3

Make sure to check out the new media!

- Reworked the UI. Mostly colors have changed, but it looks better now. See the new medias on the front page.

- Properly scaled all the fonts used in the menus.

- When an NPC is killed it no longer drops money if the killer is the guy trafficking the NPC's.

- Moved NPC alive display to the bottom of the screen.

- Fixed spelling mistakes and used DarkRP.formatMoney on all prices (this sets the comma: $3,402 fx).

As always, open a support ticket for bug reports or suggestions.

  • Fixed rare error because of a missing IsValid check.
  • Added notification when the target is not close enough to the trafficking truck.
  • Added notification when detaining an NPC as gov job (from config: HT_GovernmentTeams)
  • Teams from HT_GovernmentTeams will now automatically receive the stick (you won't need to add it manually).
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