DConfig - In-Game DarkRP Customization ( Jobs, Shipments, Categories, ETC )

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If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Hegg25 Purchased posted

is there any reason why D config is not displaying icons or the names of the category in the left

K. Shepherd Purchased posted

anyone know where the data is stored so I can fix this myself. If I paid for it and can't request a refund, I might aswell try to fix it.

DanFMN Author posted

Support is being disabled for this addon.

I am currently writing a complete rewrite of the addon. Any users with outstanding support tickets prior to 7/15/2022 that have not received an appropriate solution will be provided with a free copy of the new addon. Any users that have purchased the addon prior to the release of DConfig 2 will receive a 50% off coupon code at request to allow for a cheaper upgrade. The new addon will be feature rich and hopefully address any holes that DConfig 1 had. This addon is significantly dated and required a complete rewrite for any serious progress.

For general questions in regards to this addon you can ask them in this discord: https://discord.gg/cC9KZUd

Hans posted

Where can I find the invite to your discord?

Sebastian Purchased posted

There is a search bar for the jobs but not the shipment creator, could you add it there please?

DanFMN Author posted

SebastianIf I'm not mistaken there is already a search feature for models. I think there is one for weapons too.

Sebastian Purchased posted

Could you make it so that you can search for weapons and models, its harder to use this addon to make weapons then it is to do it online

glassofwater Purchased posted


You need to delete the data file for the changes you made in the dconfig settings. You should only edit your darkrp settings once you got them fine tuned already, but even then you really are better off just using the main config file on your server. However, if you just delete it, change the setting on the darkrp modification side of things, then save again you'll be alright.

I found this to be an issue too early on, but it totally makes sense once you realize how this stuff works. There should however be a very obvious button to reload server variables.

BadNewsBen Purchased posted

Does anyone know why when i put the folders in there spots when i logged into my server all of the jobs and entities were gone. if so can someone help me fix this issue?

Missing posted

Why does Dconfig force norespawn on true? how can i fix this issue

MightyX3N Purchased posted

Can you maybe add a search in shipments/weapons to find things easier? just like you have in jobs

never2nv posted

I usually support things but I'm broke. Great work though. Looks incredible. Respect x9,000

DanFMN Author posted

Esoteric It will set the player's max health to the health that was set with the job. If the addon you're using to heal the player supports max health, which it should, then it will heal back up to 200.

Valiux posted

Out of curiosity before considering purchasing, when you set health on the jobs, say for example you have 200 health, can they heal back to 200 health or can they heal to 100 health max?

Handi Purchased posted

yeah i completely understand :o can we have sneak peak to the update? :D Really want to know if i should sart using the cutent version or wait for the new one

DanFMN Author posted

Handi Unfortunately due to the Coronavirus and extreme personal events I don't have the same time as I did to commit to the big update so it has been put on hold until further notice. I hope you can understand.

Handi Purchased posted

the big update is still not here....

DanFMN Author posted

Yes changes are saved after a restart. ivansin265

ivansin265 posted

when you restar changes are saved?

Sockscsgoatse.com Purchased posted

right i wanna know too :) also if i buy dradio can my officers use it while in there car and dont have it out ?

Handi Purchased posted

So when is the big update comming? :D

DanFMN Author posted

Skittles✔ Inside data/darkrpmasterconfig

Skittles✔ Purchased posted
● edited

I'm just wondering where are the jobs placed on the server?

DanFMN Author posted

Yes you can do both. @Frozzy

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