The Perfect Delivery System [Deliveryman, Missions, Easy Money]

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In short

The Perfect Delivery System provides a new way to earn money. Take the job of the delivery man, drive through the whole map and make money easily. However the money can be stolen if a thief goes through your way.

The Perfect Delivery System provides a new way to earn money. Take the job of the delivery man, drive through the whole map and make money easily. However the money can be stolen if a thief goes through your way.

The addon comes with a lot of features. The whole config file is properly commented.

Delivery Man

You have a new way to earn money! If you don't know how you can have more money, if you begin the game and/or don't know the map, it will be a good way to help you!

Drive, earn money, learn the map. A good addon for beginners to explore!

New challenge: you have to deserve money! You have specific time to make the delivery and if you see thieves men, they can stop the deliveryman and tell you to don't move to steal some money from the vehicle.


➡ Create your own deliveries in-game, with the diablos_deliveryconfig concommand. You will be able to configure the delivery name, the amount of money to earn, the time to do it, the delivery vehicle with its skin and color and eventually a customCheck with a customFailMsg written on the delivery board. The configuration is unique to every delivery.

➡ Choose if the delivery man must do a round trip or only go to the place, if he will have a reward if he did multiple successes or conversely a demote if he did multiple failures, and a few other parameters....

Hook list (use hook.Add)

Hook arguments are always valid, meaning you never have a nil case on a variable.

hook.Run("Diablos:TPDSA:Delivery", ply, idnumber, success)

Hook when the delivery is finished, whether successfull or not.


ply: player who made that delivery [type: Entity: Player]
idnumber: id of the delivery (the order of id is the order you see on the NPC) [type: Integer]
success: if the delivery has been a success or not (true = successfull / false = failure) [type: Boolean]

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  • Don't post a review saying the product doesn't work if you didn't open a support ticket before.


  • Wareb for the original idea.
  • 0rigins, Hasguarde & Madippe for the first feedbacks about how the script is and what I should add.
  • kanalumaddela for the svg files in this description product page and for the header image.

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Product reviews

5.00 average based on 24 reviews

Exactly what i was looking for
This script does exactly what i needed it to do, i could not find any other addon that allowed me to create a trucking job other than this and it worked flawlessly very simple to configure
By [KEK] | EKO -
(version 2.1.1)
Fucking perfect
One word is not enough to describe the developer - fucking lovely person, amazing service and happy personality. I haven't got the addon to work as of yet as I am on a break but it should be running shortly! Kudos to this amazing developer!
By henryhouse12 -
(version 2.0.3)
Best addon Delivery
The Creator is cool . Config is simple and deliveries can be configured as desired
By iritocsgo -
(version 2.0.2)
Luke Payne
Really great addon , and really good support. I Recommend this addon.
By Luke Payne -
(Never downloaded)
Best Buy ever
Really great addon , and really good support. I Recommend this addon.
By FlagJack -
(version 2.0.1)
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