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Curator's Featured Review
After I bought the config I couldn't wait to buy the next addon from dan and I don't regret it at all. the inventory is not like the other inventory addons you can find. in some inventory systems, you will need to drop it on the ground and pick it up whit an inventory pickup tool, in this addon you can just press f2 and drag it from your hand inventory to your saved inventory. the inventory pickup is something different as well. when you drop your weapons you will need to press alt e and also wait 5 seconds its perfect from raids and set up so people can not just spam pickup the weapons you drop when you die. If you are looking for an inventory system I would highly recommend this one
In short
DInventory is a simple yet complex inventory addon. The addon provides players the opportunity to store items in their inventory for when they're offline. Players can not only pick up weapons, but they can pickup weapons, ammo and shipments.
DInventory is a simple yet complex inventory addon. The addon provides players the opportunity to store items in their inventory for when they're offline. Players can not only pick up weapons, but they can pickup weapons, ammo and shipments. DInventory also includes the optional choice of enabling an additional hotbar which restricts the player to only be able to hold 3 weapons on their person at a time. DInventory also features a database using mysqloo allowing for fast and efficient data management. There's no need to configure either all shipments, ammo and entities are supported track out of the box!
Features that are configurable will be in italics.
- Inventory
- Item stacking.
- Inventory size based on usergroup.
- Spawn weapons as shipments.
- ALT + E to pickup no need for a SWEP.
- Admin menu to spawn in and see which items are registered.
- Pickup delay for when attempting to pick something up.
- Theme matches Delicate UI.
- Works with DConfig created items.
- Sleek indicators to show what item you picked up and the amount.
- Hot Bar
- Prevent players from hoarding weapons.
- Configurable option to have weapons drop on death.
- No ammo exploits.
- *NEW* Support for permanent weapons that will not drop on death.
- Database
- Uses mysqloo or local database.
- Written optimally for servers with lots of players.
- You can change the following for NPCs:
- Items
- NPC Title
- NPC Model
- NPC Color
- Item Price
- Item Amount
- Item Custom Check
- Item Usergroup Support
- Item Description
- Trading ( Almost done )
- Create an easy flow economy with trading.
- Inventory Search
- Create SWEP or command that allows certain teams to search player's inventories to confiscate illegal items.
- Create tool for admins to view other player's inventories in-game.
- Unzip the addon
- Drag both folders inside the zip into the addons folder of your server.
- Restart Server
- Workshop Content
- Configure sh_inventory.lua:
- CSi. Xavier: Helped me optimize my database structure.
- Ted.lua: Helped provide support along the way.
- Beast: Helped me with mysqloo.
- RE Lexi: Created banner and script description images.
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