🔥 DInventory - Hotbar, Player Preview, Easy installation 🔥

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Woompa Purchased posted

Does this have sandbox support ?

Blank Purchased posted

dan where bank

Tru Purchased posted

Any chance of there being an update that'll add a banking system?

Blank Purchased posted

Cool shop update, where bank?

Mickael Peterson Purchased posted

Hi ! It would be nice to have a tutorial to create shops. Thanks for your work

RobboOnBlaster posted

Hi Dan - Is there bank storage that comes with this addon / would you consider adding it?

Btc Purchased posted

Amazing that you made shops completely free and not a paid DLC, Great Work!

DanFMN Author posted
DanFMN Author posted

Oblong02 unfortunately this inventory doesn't support a clothing system out the box. You're welcome to create clothing entities and store them in the inventory.

Oblong02 posted

Hey, I'm looking for an inventory system for my StalkerRP server based on DarkRP. However, I need an inventory system which allows me to create custom clothing items which when equipped will change the users player model. Is this an easy thing to do with this addon?

Cle posted

When these coming?

  • Trading ( Almost done )
  • Create an easy flow economy with trading.
  • Shops
  • Purchase items and have them instantly appear in your inventory.
  • Create a shop dedicated to upgrading inventory slots.
  • Inventory Search
  • Create SWEP or command that allows certain teams to search player's inventories to confiscate illegal items.
  • Create tool for admins to view other player's inventories in-game.

Spooky1197 posted

Will a bank be added for players to store items?

Also, is it possible to restrict the hotbar to weapon types? I would like to have primaries in slot 1, secondaries in two, misc in 3.


=[HN]= Havoc posted

Banking / item storing system planned or already in?

TheRedStoneHorse Purchased posted

Thanks! And next time I will use a support ticket!

DanFMN Author posted

Take a look at the configuration file @TheRedStoneHorse and furthermore make a ticket next time you have any questions.

TheRedStoneHorse Purchased posted

What script and line(s) could I add more inventory slots in? Aswell, how could I make it so I can pick up shipments? (Mabye you could make a video showing how to and where to edit details of the addon) Oh! and how do I enable the hotbar? Thanks dan!

purp #13 Purchased posted

When will you add stores?

MrYoshi2809 posted

does this inventory save the quantities if for example I put a packet of weed filled to 60%

shrublake Purchased posted

Okay, thank you!

DanFMN Author posted

shrublakeDisable DInventory's hotbar.

shrublake Purchased posted

Is there any way to allow players to just press "E" to put ground weapons into their regular DarkRP hotbar?

Ronan™️ Purchased posted

is the trading out yet?

Xander Purchased posted

It's clearly not your addon causing this, I will get to the bottom of this though.. i will fix my review. Sorry

DanFMN Author posted

SunlessPineWhat are you talking about not being able to drop weapons? You can drop weapons with this addon. The /drop command works.

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