[DISCOUNT] Rob the bank - New bank robbery system

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Vecdiarp Purchased posted

Hello if you want I can traduce the addon in French for free

pvpro.com le tueure Purchased posted

Comment peut ton crée un ticket car j'ai un problème avec l'addon

pichotm Author posted

Portuguese! https://pastebin.com/i90znyQH

pichotm Author posted


George Hennen Purchased posted

Update the description from this "RTB is made for DarkRP server, the script is optimized and think for your darkrp" to this "RTB is made for DarkRP server, the script is optimized or your darkrp" Think means pense in french

Justin posted

How easy is this to edit, like if i wanted the npc to spawn when a raid is started in a random position? I am willing to edit the scripts, doesn't have to be in the config, I just required easy to edit addons.

pichotm Author posted

yes you can

Hydrolobby posted

Are you able to change the NPC name?

pichotm Author posted

Ouvre un ticket

Jotap254 Purchased posted

comment on sauvegarde des entités?

sevenzerodd posted

JeffLad, a server I am helping Develop has this on rp_florida and I can say, it works very well with the bank vault.

JeffLad posted

I want to buy this and my friend has it on his server. He told me that he had issues with there being no money in the vault and when he switched to rockford it worked fine. However I wish to use it on a map called rp_florida. Will it work?

Eevee posted

I‘d buy it if it was simpler. Without the cash stash thing.. just steal it directly:3

NiveK I Farmskins.com posted

Oui je l'ai acheté

pichotm Author posted

tu as acheté le script?

NiveK I Farmskins.com posted

J'ai un problème quand on le hack du pc se termine et qu'on ouvre la porte l'alarme de s'active pas et meme quand on commence a braquer

  • Quand je fait E sur le Bank Vault rien ne se passe rien ne va dnas la caisse
pichotm Author posted

Only CSS

LaserX Purchased posted

Only CSS, or also Hl2 and Ep Content?

pichotm Author posted

CSS Content

LaserX Purchased posted

Why is the Bank Vault an Error, Yes I have the Workshop files.

pichotm Author posted

No, the it works on any doors

[AT] Baines Purchased posted

Wait, so the addon only works fully on your map?

pichotm Author posted

On my map

[AT] Baines Purchased posted

Just a quick question... Where is the big bank vault door in the video?

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