If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
When do you think the weapon values not saving after restart will be fixed? I really wanna buy this addon but if weapon changes aren't persistent, I have no use in buying it as I don't wanna have to reconfigure weapons every server restart.
Love this concept though! And the menu looks sleek.

im assuming this is just cause of the code is outdated but the data file doesn't load the weapon saves after a restart

Does this support TFA's ability to use Swep Construction Kit 'models'?

does this addon work with ALL m9k guns?

Requesting ability to completely disable primary or secondary fire
This will allow for some guns who's secondary are OP to be switched off (like teleporting weapons/nukes as secondary)

EDIT: This is amazing. Great work!

where do i change the damage i cant finds it on the menu when i type "dwep" i nconsole

Hello Dan, I've been looking for this kind of addon dor month ! But i have one question ? doe it wors with TFA star wars weapon ? bassicly my community is complaining about the current damage of the weapon.. i would like to nerf them. Is it possible with all weapon ?

its possible change smoke on fire weapons?

Yes, my friend bought the addon. He would like to send you a ticket but finally we solved the problem.

How many weapons we can have after the search bar doesn't work ?

Okay, thanks for the clarification. Your addons are wonderful!

Rats. Any chance in the future of having custom entities created to have cool custom guns?

Does this script create an instance of the weapon entity or does it change the entity itself? I'd like to have custom limited time weapons that is just an instance of a base weapon. So, "Shrub's Glock-9" and "Dan's Glock-9" are both derived from the same weapon entity but are custom instances of it with different damages etc.


Can I change the firerate of guns? I use CW 2.0 and Khris Weapon CW 2.0 Pack

This is a unrelated question, but what HUD is that?

Default values without having to restart is gunna be sick, honestly can't wait.