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Curator's Featured Review
One of the best Admin Mods out there
xAdmin was already great and then he decided to come out with xAdmin 2 which is even better... The UI is absolutely amazing with the slick and intuitive design that even a monkey could set this up. The config is very organized and if you don't know how to do something Xnator will be right there with you helping you along the way. But this man is always there, support is an understatement. With this Addon you will not be disappointed in what you get. And if something that you need isn't there, All you need to do is suggest it in the discord and you can get the help you need, although not all times. But even if you cant get what you need in the Addon. I'm positive someone from the community will help you out with simple scripts. Anyways I believe this is a worthwhile investment for any server! And if you have any problems updates are there. This has every feature you could want... I dont have enough text.
In short
xAdmin 2 is a modern, user-friendly administrative system designed to add all the necessary commands and features of existing admin mods, whilst also providing much more. Enhance the experience of your staff members and users with xAdmin!
Full custom admin system
Configurable Discord relay for command usage / logging
Easy setup and configuration
Detailed user guide and docs can be found here:
Ingame addition and configuration of ranks
Ingame config for most configuration options
Extensive config to allow for the administrative experience your server needs
A range of default commands and permissions
All permissions and commands found in the xAdmin menu with a brief description and easy execution of each command
Target users with SteamID or name with autocompletion of SteamIDs from partial names in chat
Permission inheritance based on group power
Restrict maximum ban lengths for specific ranks
Hide admin names on command use (configurable, disabled by default, ie. "Someone slayed you")
Job-based permission nodes
Assign permission nodes to specific jobs via the xAdmin menu to give members of this job access to the specified permission nodes, regardless of their rank, excellent for Star Wars RP and other RP gamemodes!
CAMI implementation for groups and permissions
Group-specific prop limits
Permissions for toolgun types
Command aliases to allow for multiple ways of running the same command
Supported wildcards:
* - Target all users
^ - Target yourself
!^ - Target everyone except yourself
Support for additional usergroups on top of primary usergroups
Add a user to a limitless number of usergroups alongside their displayed (primary) rank
Built-in rapsheet
Track previous punishments of users
Administration mode
Automatically sets team
Automatically enables godmode and noclip
Enables player and configurable entity "ESP" for ranks with "adminesp" permission
Built-in Staff on Duty job
Configurable to use this or any other team as the "Staff on Duty" team for Admin Mode
Set ranks in the config to only be able to use xAdmin commands whilst "on duty"
Built-in tickets system for users to easily report issues to online staff
Ticket popups on creation to allow staff to easily handle tickets including quick access commands
Set jail locations to keep rulebreakers out of the way
Configurable size, model and material of jails
Simple user interface
Brand new UI compared to xAdmin 1 with a much sleeker, more modern experience, with improved UX
Easily access and use almost every feature of xAdmin directly from the menu
Automated family sharing checks
Configurable automated bans, reasons and lengths for users bypassing bans using family sharing
Time tracking (weekly and total time)
Activity for all players displayed in the "Utilities" section of the menu
Built-in calendars system
Create public upcoming events or private entries
Easily modify, create and remove calendar entries
Promote transparency within your community and staff team
Built-in to-do list
Create tasks to track your own progress
Give users the chance to create tasks for their own ingame goals
bLogs support
MySQL / SQLite support
Modular support for commands and additions
Easy to use API for developers and server owners
Documentation found here:
Product reviews
4.36 average based on 28 reviews