Easy Doorbell

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Complete rewrite!

The addon has been rewritten to a much higher quality. There are no major functionality changes but the addon now has almost no repeated code, is modular, and is fully documented.

This means that it should be slightly more stable, and is vastly more maintainable, so I can release fixes and updates much quicker. Also, if you ever want to modify the addon it should now be much easier for you.

Unless any bugs are reported, this version is most likely the final one.


  • Complete rewrite
  • Added full documentation
  • Fixed a few quirks (entities can no longer be placed in the sky, speaker placement tool now lets you change your button choice by selecting a new button in place mode, other small fixes I've forgotten)
  • Made all buttons and speakers nocollided by default (because being able to stand on them is stupid)
  • Changed volume code back to old system
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