📱 Easzy's Tablet F4 | The perfect tablet

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In short

Easzy's Tablet F4 is the F4 tablet addon you've all been waiting for. This addon greatly enhances roleplay with its high-quality SWEP and user interface, many features, simple configuration and much more.

By pressing F4, a SWEP tablet will appear before your eyes thanks to an exceptional animation.

After you've said to yourself "oh my god I've never seen anything so beautiful" you'll realize that this is just the beginning.

Find out why by watching the videos, reading the feature list or clicking the applications tab.

+ Animations when opening/closing the tablet

+ Animation when returning to the main menu

+ A high quality SWEP

+ Favorite apps system

+ Functional home button

+ Several apps

+ Customizable apps (icon, colors, config...)

+ A ton of roleplay

+ Beautiful UI

+ Easy configuration

+ Many languages

+ Compatible with Realistic Properties

These are just general features, go to the applications tab to see all that Easzy's Tablet F4 allows you to do.

SHOP : Allows you to purchase legal items.

You can search for an item by name, or sort the items by ascending or descending price / name.

This store allows you to view the characteristics of an M9K weapon by hovering over it with the mouse.

GUNSTORE : Allows you to purchase legal weapons.

You can allow access to this app to the gun seller only.

So players who want to buy a legal weapon will have to go through the weapon seller who can make a profit by selling the weapon at a higher price who buys it from the Gunstore.

You can search for an item by name, or sort the items by ascending or descending price / name.

This store allows you to view the characteristics of an M9K weapon by hovering over it with the mouse.

TOR : Allows you to purchase illegal items.

Be careful ! By staying too long on this application, the police will be notified (the police will receive a notification with your location).

This duration can be modified in the addon configuration.

You can search for an item by name, or sort the items by ascending or descending price / name.

This shop allows you to view the characteristics of an M9K weapon by hovering over it with the mouse.

VPN : By purchasing a VPN, you can go to TOR without being spotted by the police (for a while).

CAMERA : Allows you to take photos and selfies which will then be saved in the GALLERY app.

GALLERY : Allows you to view / sort / delete the photos you took with the CAMERA app

CHAT : Allows you to send messages / photos to other players online.

You can view conversations you have had with players who are not currently online, but you will not be able to message them until they are online.

You can copy the text of a message, view / save a photo that was sent during the conversation.

JOBS : A simple application to change jobs quickly from the tablet.

Unzip the downloaded archive

Place the "ez_tablet_f4" folder into /garrysmod/addons/

Add the workshop contents to your collection : here

Configure the addon and restart your server

There are two configuration files :

The principal configuration file is "ez_tablet_f4/lua/eztablet_config.lua"

This file allows you to :

  • Change the language of the addon
  • Change the distance unit or currency
  • Change the colors of the applications
  • Choose which categories of entities or weapons you want to put in each store (Shop/Gunstore/Tor)
  • And some other settings like the Tor timer or the duration and price of the VPN offers

The second configuration file is "ez_tablet_f4/lua/eztablet_appsconfig.lua"

This file allows you to :

  • Modify the customCheck of each application to limit their access
  • Disable certain applications
  • Change the icons of the applications

I only give help on my discord server : Join it here

Create a ticket in the contact channel, I will answer you as soon as possible.

  • Banners made by Lucky.
  • Icon made by Dave Gandy, Pixel perfect, Those Icons, Freepik from www.flaticon.com

Testers :

  • Red_iop
  • Mt_m7c
  • Autistic_bot

This question comes up a lot, so I'll describe precisely how to add entities or shipments in shop/gunstore/tor applications.

You have to proceed in the same way for the 3 applications.

You need darkrpmodification in your addons.

1. In darkrpmodification/lua/darkrp_customthings/categories.lua, create a category for entities or shipments like this :

    name = "CategoryName",
    categorises = "entities", -- set it to "shipments" to create a shipments category
    startExpanded = false,
    color = Color(9, 82, 0, 255),
    canSee = function(ply) return true end,
    sortOrder = 25

The name of the category will be the name of the store tab.

2. In darkrpmodification/lua/darkrp_customthings/entities.lua or darkrpmodification/lua/darkrp_customthings/shipments.lua add some entities or shipments in this category :

DarkRP.createEntity("EntityName", {
    ent = "entity_example",
    model = "models/path_to_model.mdl",
    price = 2000,
    max = 1,
    cmd = "buyentityname",
    category = "CategoryName"


DarkRP.createShipment("ShipmentName", {
    model = "models/path_to_model.mdl",
    entity = "shipment_example",
    price = 2000,
    amount = 1,
    separate = false,
    pricesep = 0,
    noship = false,
    category = "CategoryName"

3. Add category name in Easzy's Tablet F4 configuration ez_tablet_f4/lua/eztablet_config.lua :

config.shop.categories = {
    ["CategoryName"] = true,


config.gunstore.categories = {
    ["CategoryName"] = true,


config.tor.categories = {
    ["CategoryName"] = true,

4. Restart your server

If you want to add food in shop/gunstore/tor :

  1. Enable hungermod in darkrpmodification/lua/darkrp_config/disabled_defaults.lua
  2. Set config.shop.food = true or config.gunstore.food = true or config.tor.food = true in ez_tablet_f4/lua/eztablet_config.lua

If you want to add ammos in shop/gunstore/tor :

  1. Set config.shop.ammos = true or config.gunstore.ammos = true or config.tor.ammos = true in ez_tablet_f4/lua/eztablet_config.lua

Product reviews

4.83 average based on 27 reviews

Renard - Raznov
Merveilleux !
Un addon complet, bien meilleurs que tout les menu F4 vu et revu, ce menu offre une immersion inédite. Pour les personnes qualifiées il et possible facilement de crée d'autres applications. Cette addons et très bien prenez le, les yeux fermer. Le Support et top, patient et pro. Acheter cette addons c'est acheter l'exellence ! Que dire de plus.
By Renard - Raznov -
(version 1.1.6)
[CC] LohanSolo
"J'ai acheté cet addon récemment, il est tout simplement parfait. J'avais besoin d'aide pour changer le matériau et le support a été très réactif. Je recommande !
By [CC] LohanSolo -
(version 1.1.6)
Un très beau addon, facile a config/comprendre. Je recommande !
By SuKo -
(version 1.1.6)
Un addon très simple à comprendre, une interface très belle; Et surtout un addon qui change, de plus il y a des fonctionnalités, tel que le vpn ou tor, qui je trouve pousse le rp à un autre niveau.
By matteohooliga -
(version 1.1.6)
Griffith did nothing wrong
Near-perfect performance
I'd like to start by saying that I'm so very pleased with the support I received. My discord ticket was met nearly immediately with a reply, which really made me smile after a long day of fixing other people's mods. The tablet itself is great, with few issues. The only major complaint I have is that shipments only come in full quantities, with no option to only buy one item from it. If this was changed, it'd be a clear five star review from me. Other than that, I'm incredibly pleased with this purchase. :}
By Griffith did nothing wrong -
(version 1.1.6)
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