ECM Jammer (For Cameras and Keypads)

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New Model; Off State.
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This ECM Jammer is a deployable handheld device that the player can deploy on any surface. This script will allow the player to automatically prevent any players from using their cameras OR will crack any keypad and allow it to open.

Video Demonstration.

Feature List

  • Allows users to automatically crack keypads so they won't have to do it manually.
  • Allows users to JAM any cameras within the ECM Jammers vicinity.
  • Comes with a unique and distinctive model for the Jammer.
  • Fully configurable with many different settings that will fit perfect for any server owner looking to add more depth and fun to the roleplay experience (or perhaps other gamemodes).
  • Model includes different skins for on and off states, so players will know what is going on with the jammer.
  • Added sounds as well as spark effects to cameras let people around know it's being jammed. (Configurable)
  • Can be destroyed. (Configurable)
  • Supports all of the following Camera add-ons:
  • The CCTV Camera System
  • SH Cameras
  • rPrpotect
  • As well as the default Garrys Mod camera tool.
  • Supports all of the following Keypad add-ons:
  • Willox Keypads
  • Unisec Keypads
  • Metamist's Pattern Keypads


The script settings can be configured inside the (ecm_jammer > lua > autorun > ecm_jammer_config.lua) file. Here is what the config file looks like.


To install the ECM Jammer script, simply drop the ecm_jammer_re folder that was included in the .zip you downloaded into your server's addons folder. Easy peazy.

Here is the ECM Jammer content link for your server. (if you're not doing FastDL)

Issues / Support

Please note: I will not help anyone who decide that they want to edit the code from within the script itself. The only file you should edit, is the 'config.lua' file. You do not need to have any coding experience to understand and edit that file. If anything at all seems to be broken (and you did not touch any of the script files, other than the config.lua), please leave me a support ticket along with the error message that was given to you in console. If you did mess with any of the core script files and don't know how to fix any errors you may have caused, simply re-download the script from your 'purchased scripts' page and replace it with the existing folder (ecm_jammer_re) you have in your addons folder.

Another thing. Support for the old jammer is now officially being dropped. There is no reason to have the old jammer anyway. This one is much better, as well as much more bug free.


If you have any suggestions, please leave a comment under the discussion tab.

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