EdgeHUD ( HUD + extras)

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Debans Community Purchased posted

Hello this hud support other gamemode like sandbox & spacebuild

Jompe Author posted

Hey Aeon.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean. Could you please provide a bit more detail to your question?

Regards, Jompe.

Aeon Purchased posted

Can you hide players names for purposes such as a anticheat?

Tyler J Purchased posted
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Will you be doing Brick's Gangs Support and

Brick's Essentials support

Mom Bon 🧡 posted
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Support for other gamemodes such as Murder and TTT would be dope ;w;

Jompe Author posted

Hello Crisis_Hotline.

Please open a support ticket and I’ll gladly help you to solve this issue as soon as possible! Please also include your full server console log!

Regards, Jompe.

Crisis_Hotline Purchased posted

people on my server are getting this and having their gmods crash

[ERROR] not enough memory 1. event:RenderScreenspaceEffects[addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/cl_3d2d.lua]

any fixes?

Jompe Author posted

Hello Toxic.

Unfortunately, EdgeHUD is only compatible with the DarkRP gamemode and DarkRP-derived gamemodes such as StarWarsRP, MilitaryRP, etc. However, you can still use EdgeScoreboard which supports all gamemodes, including Sandbox. Please let me know if you have any further questions and I'll gladly assist you!

Regards, Jompe.

Toxic Purchased posted

Is this compatible with Sandbox too?

Jompe Author posted

Der Klauende Clown

Adding the EdgeTheme to other interfaces that are not related to Edge will require some coding knowledge. The difficulty depends on the complexity of the interface that you would like to modify. It could be quite easy (depending on your coding knowledge) or a bit harder if the interface is more complex.

Der Klauende Clown posted

when i buy it can i make it easily like this or it is difficult?

Der Klauende Clown posted

is there a way to add extra corners i saw a server how makes extra corners for SCPRP Code Green utime And stuff like that

hawwkk posted

How to enable Russian

Sebastian posted

Can you add more support for bots, For example leys anticheat uses a invisible aimbot but the hud shows the bots name and stuff

Jompe Author posted

Hello Leon Schlingell.

There is unfortunately no way of changing the position of the HUD elements through the ingame configuration at the moment. This can be done quite simply by making changes directly to the Lua code, although this may require some Lua knowledge. You can disable certain HUD elements to make the HUD more fitting for your server though. Please let me know if you have any other questions!

Regards, Jompe.

Leon Schlingell posted

Hey there I´d like to buy this addon but am I somwhere within the in-game config able to edit the position of the HUD?

best regards!

Jompe Author posted

Caner It makes me happy to hear your appreciation of my products! I'm doing my best to have EdgeF4 ready for release as soon as possible! Let me know if you have any questions!

Sonicscream Purchased posted

No worries about it. Let us know when you get that F4 finished! Cheers.

Jompe Author posted

Hello Sonicscream.

Unfortunately EdgeHUD doesn’t have extended support for Simfphys at the moment. While you should be able to use Simfphys vehicles on your server, EdgeHUD will not show Simfphys data like it does with VCMod. The only thing shown should be the speed of the vehicle.

I’m currently focusing fully on finishing EdgeF4 but may perhaps add the requested feature in the future if the demand is still there.

Regards, Jompe.

Sonicscream Purchased posted

Would it be possible to replace the simfphys hud with this addon?

Jompe Author posted

Hello Zack_Maclellan.

EdgeHUD should work in combination with the described addon. The only inconvenience would be that the level-bar would be using the native design. If you want to use the EdgeHUD level-bar right away, I would recommend DarkRP leveling system which is available for free. Meanwhile, I'll add your suggestion to my todo list and see if I can have it implemented in an coming update.

Regards, Jompe.

Azazel Purchased posted

I am very much looking into getting this only issue it does not have support for bricks DarkRP Essentials xp system

Jompe Author posted

Hello Ocela.

EdgeHUD isn’t compatible with Deathrun unfortunately. I’ve actually considered adding more gamemode compatibility for EdgeHUD in the future.

However, EdgeScoreboard is compatible.

Regards, Jompe.

Ocela posted

Is this compatible with other gamemodes? Such as Deathrun?

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