[NEW] You can now see if a player is muted above their head.
[NEW] You can now set the HUD to be hidden while the spawnmenu is open.
[NEW] Added announcement for owners if I ever need to inform you about something.
[NEW] Added Portuguese translation. Thanks to LocDowN for translating!
[NEW] Made some preparations.
[CHANGE] Most HUD Fade-IN/OUT animations will now feel more responsive.
[CHANGE] Updated French.
[FIX] Possibly fixed a bug with the Economy Information staying hidden in some cases.
[FIX] Possibly fixed a bug that could throw an error when closing your server.
[NEW CONFIG] Should EdgeHUD be hidden when you open the spawn menu?
[INFO] Updated workshop content.
Modified Files:
- addons/edgehud/lua/autorun/sh_edgehud_data.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/cl_topleft.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/cl_3d2d.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/cl_derma_widgetbox.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/cl_misc.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/sh_configuration.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/sv_hud.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/languages/sh_english.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/languages/sh_french.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/languages/sh_swedish.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/languages/sh_turkish.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/languages/sh_german.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/languages/sh_polish.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/languages/sh_danish.lua
New Files:
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/languages/sh_portuguese.lua