[NEW] Added the ability to select what job information should be shown above someone's head. Can be set to Job Name, Job Category or Hidden.
[FIX] Fixed a bug which caused that the ammo counter didn't work for some weapons.
[FIX] Fixed a bug that made so everyone could see names spoofed using EdgeScoreboard above someone's head.
[FIX] Other bug fixes.
[NEW CONFIG] How should the team above the player's head be shown.
Modified Files:
- addons/edgehud/lua/autorun/sh_edgehud_data.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/cl_3d2d.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/cl_lowerright.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/cl_workarounds.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/cl_misc.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/sh_configuration.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/cl_3d2d.lua
- addons/edgehud/lua/edgehud/cl_main.lua