If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Hey man im genuinely in love with this addon, one question tho
Im setting up the config for a server and i really wish there was a list of the config values, such as how many of a certain printer you can purchase or how much it siezes for. Like a list of the potential values you can put under the teir of printer. Also im having difficulty implementing a rank system to restrict certain printers from people.

I don't remember with just that, where did you see that?
I think the reviews and number of sales are pretty indicative of the quality of the add-on which justifies the price.

Considering purchasing this but a tad bit pricy for printers. Most likely will though. Question - I saw another user was able to add support from crate unboxing plugins. Do you recall how he did that?

If you are debating whether to buy the printer or not. Go for it. Best printers on the market!

can we put this printer on basewars?

how can i make the printer c menu edits unavailable for ranks like super admins ect


Are you a server owner or just a player? I don't know how E2 works so not sure what's up with that.

Hello, I was just wondering why one can not retrieve the owner of a printer using expression 2. For example, if I were to place a prop next to a ranger I would be able to retrieve the owner of it same goes for most entities but for some reason, this type of printer doesn't. Whenever I try to retrieve the owner using expression 2 it returns nothing except for when the printer is being gravity gunned over the ranger. I would appreciate any feedback if possible and love the addon, keep up the great work. Sincerely an E2 Coder :)


I can't buy your item, gmodstore return 520009: Account is restricted

How do you destroy the printer?

Anyone know what size the logo on the printer should be?

There isnt a buy limit for printer ink, I've noticed.

I can do that, at some point.

Any Demo or a Video that shows all Contents like Upgrades, Functions, ETC?

You shouldn't notice any performance impact with this installed, and the code is clean.

No bullshit and easy. It looks absolutely fantastic! How does it perform? And is it lightweight?

Can do.

Looks well made and the item details is very informative. If the model is animated in any way it would be amazing to see it in action with a gif or vid~

No clue, but could make it work? Which one are you talking about?

Will this work on the BaseWars game mode?

Buyed. Time to have a look on it ^^ Review will follow asap.