Ember Discord integration

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Syncing from Ember to Discord
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This product is DLC for the product Ember - donation system, bans, loading screen & landing/index page. Please read the product description thoroughly before purchasing.
In short

Automatically sync your players' Ember roles into Discord roles and vice versa

Ember Discord roles includes a Discord bot and an Ember module to enable a smooth and automated way for your players to keep their Ember roles and Discord roles in sync. All they'll have to do is link their Ember account with their Discord account, with zero manual moderator intervention needed.

Combined with the role sync included in the core version of Ember, you can keep your Discord roles in sync with your in-game groups (Garry's Mod & Rust) as well.

This addon is not endorsed or created by Discord.

  • Receive an Ember role (by purchasing a package from the store, for instance)
  • Run the @Ember link chat command and click on the link you'll receive as a direct message. This will link your Discord & Ember accounts
  • alternatively link your accounts using OAuth
  • The bot will automatically assign any existing roles both ways and keep them in sync from there on

In case of inconsistencies due to downtime, run the @Ember sync chat command to run a new sync manually.


Refer to the documentation here.


I'm looking for suggestions to improve the script. If you have any, please let me know via the issue tracker or Discord server.


I'll try to provide support with issues related to the script when I have the time. You can contact me through Discord, but creating a support ticket helps me keep track of your case.

Currently I'm running a shared instance of this Discord bot for all customers to remove the burden of having to host the bot yourself. Please note that this offer is not part of the sale. I may choose to cease hosting the bot at any time and no refunds will be provided.

The shared bot runs with the same software (slightly modified) that you'll receive when downloading this addon.

WARNING: By design the shared bot requires permissions to assign, create and remove roles on Discord, and by extension all Ember instances and game servers running Ember it's connected to. In case of a data breach all connected servers are vulnerable. For that reason, only use the shared bot at your own risk and preferably host your own instance instead.

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4.13 average based on 7 reviews

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This product is DLC for the product Ember - donation system, bans, loading screen & landing/index page. Please read the product description thoroughly before purchasing.
This product is marked as unsupported. That means there is no support available for this product.
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Product details
  • Ember core
  • a Discord server
  • Node.js 16.9.0
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