New SERVER functions:
EmojiCircle.GiveEmoji(ply: Player or String, emojiname: String)
Give emoji to player. (Supports offline players)
ply: can be Player or SteamID64
emojiname: unique emoji identifier
EmojiCircle.TakeEmoji(ply: Player or String, emojiname: String)
Take an emoji from a player. (Supports offline players)
ply: can be Player or SteamID64
emojiname: unique emoji identifier
EmojiCircle.SyncEmoji(ply: Player, emojiname: String)
Sync player emoji availability between server and client
ply: Player
emojiname: unique emoji identifier
New сoncommands:
ec_give "steamid64" "emojiname"
Give emoji to player. (Supports offline players)
ec_take "steamid64" "emojiname"
Take an emoji from a player. (Supports offline players)
New SERVER hooks:
EC_PlayerUseEmoji(ply: Player, emojiname: String)
Called when a player uses an emoji
ply: Player who uses emoji
emojiname: unique emoji identifier
EC_PlayerBuyEmoji(ply: Player, emojiname: String)
Called when player purchase an emoji from the store
ply: Player who bought the emoji
emojiname: unique emoji identifier
EC_PlayerReceivedEmoji(ply: Player, emojiname: String)
Called when a player receives an emoji from the EmojiCircle.GiveEmoji function
ply: Player who got the emoji
emojiname: unique emoji identifier
EC_PlayerDeprivedEmoji(ply: Player, emojiname: String)
Called when an emoji is taken from a player by the EmojiCircle.TakeEmoji function
ply: Player who had his emoji taken away
emojiname: unique emoji identifier
EC_AdminGiveEmoji(admin: Player, sid64: String, emojiname: String)
Called when an admin give an emoji to a player.
admin: Player who gives emoji
sid64: Steamid64 who gets the emoji
emojiname: unique emoji identifier
EC_AdminTakeEmoji(admin: Player, sid64: String, emojiname: String)
Called when an admin takes an emoji away from a player
admin: Player who takes emoji
sid64: Steamid64 who has his emoji taken away
emojiname: unique emoji identifier
New configuration
Table with admins groups who can execute admin commands
- Fixed error when switching between categories
- Gestures can no longer be used in the vehicle
- Fixed an issue where the data folder was not created
- Added a new language (Chinese Simplified). Thank Pathfinder_FUFU for the translation.
- Block the use of emoji when a player is frozen
- Now emoji cannot be used dead and in observation mode
- Fixed an issue with the inability to change the menu button
- Use emoji area has been adjusted
Corrected mistake:
"Gropus" to "Groups" in config file. Be careful and fix it for your emoji.
This update adds gestures!
— Emotions are now divided into 2 categories:
- Emoji
- Gestures
(You can disable one of them if you don't want to use it.)
— Gestures can be displayed in first-person or third-person mode.
— Custom third-person support.
— Mouse lock when using gestures (configurable)
- Fixed material for displaying unknown emoji