eProtect - Keep exploiters/cheaters at bay!

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Kaden Purchased posted

Can someone explain what HTTP logging is?

Stromic Author posted

tehoo No, nothing can stop people from stealing clientside files fully - clients needs those files :)

СТАС It wont prevent people from abusing their admin rights. no.

СТАС Purchased posted

Can this work when a person with admin rights bans everyone in a row?

tehoo posted

Does it prevent players using software to steal files?

Stromic Author posted

[Ger]Serious Award It uses an API to check for it

[Ger]Serious Award Purchased posted

How does this script check for VPN?

Fiasco posted

Stromic ty

Stromic Author posted
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Fiasco Yes its possible :)

Fiasco posted

Hi , i got a question imma buy the script soon but can i disable familly sharing? i

Clementinise posted

I don't get what do you mean by "Disable Networking" in the description, can you please explain?

Stromic Author posted

Quikiki Its possible but would only be effective if they have it autoclick incredibly fast.

So i dont think it will be a good feature unfortunantely, what are you trying to prevent?

Quikiki posted

Would it be possible to add an auto click detection system?

Stromic Author posted
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☣☢ [G-G] Banana445500 ☢☣ Hello, make a ticket for it :)

WelshBanana Purchased posted

Suggestion: I'd like to see the ability to whitelist people for certain things such as using a VPN.

Stromic Author posted

☣☢ [G-G] Banana445500 ☢☣ Hello, you can change it in the language files. Also i recommend making tickets instead.

WelshBanana Purchased posted

Where can I find the kick message for VPN's?

Stromic Author posted
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James This is not an anti cheat, its anti exploit but most cheaters also utilize exploits. This is ment to prevent your server from being attacked through networking.

James posted

Does this Anti Cheat also protect again lua run/string cheats?

FelixKLG Purchased posted

renekto confirm eProtect is compatible with LSAC and SwiftAC

FelixKLG Purchased posted

Sharpzi check the "Detection Log" and disable the selected detection under "Net Limiter"

Sharpzi Purchased posted

Hey i get banned every time i enter a vehicle,

---= Reason =---

[eProtect] You have been banned for net overflow!

Stromic Author posted

renekYeah, it should work just fine :)

renek posted

Would this be compatible with "Leys Serverside AntiCheat (LSAC)" and "SwiftAC"? I know that it should work with "LSAC", but not sure about "SwiftAC".

Stromic Author posted

Sharpzi It should :)

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