Eradication - DarkRP Purge System

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Luca posted

Is there a command to manually start and end the purge?

DEMON DEVELOPMENT Purchased posted

not too happy with the seller of this addon, i spent good money to buy it then to have it removed not to long after with no reason or contact

very dissapointted, pretty much a scam really i dont even get what i paid for and this is marked as unsupported, gosh take it off the gmod store already

sort it out, be fair to the customers that pay for all these addons

|DC| Drewbie posted

How sthe config? can you turn off party etc?

Tikomatura posted

Hello there,

I noticed that your addon does not support an german translation so id like to ask if it would be welcome if id make one ?

If you would welcome it, dm me on gmodstore or on discord (Ynujasha#5431)

Have a great day,


GrandDaddySmoke posted

Are we able to disable the shop and party system?

Handi Purchased posted

would love to see a video about this addon

Teddy Author posted

Rexxor It's supposed to be its own separate event, but it could also be used on Purge RP with very little changes.

Rexxor Purchased posted

Encouraging PurgeRP servers or is it meant to be a separate "event" addon

Nugz posted

Could this be moddified to be a MillitaryRp war system?

RE Lexi posted

Woah cool banner!

DanFMN posted
DanFMN posted

Oh this is so so so so hot. I need this for my purge server now!

GBR posted

What is that "City Ordinances" law board HUD on the top right? Is it included in this script?

Zerochain posted


✪ ImTemper posted


Wubble posted

Looks like an amazing script, glws!

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