Event Addon

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In short

When I ran a server, hosting an event takes an enormous amount of time, effort and coordination. It was borderline impossible to prepare to host an event in under 30 minutes. So the Event Addon was born. It's extremely handy and makes it very easy to host an event which all your players will enjoy.

Feature list:

  • 10 Events (Comment with suggestions! Space for more!)
  • Is in English/Français/Deutsch/Pусский/Українська
  • Has a nice interface
  • Teaming system
  • Organizes players to be ready for the event (Teleport's the player, sets their HP, armour, strips them and gives them the load out you set in the config, it also returns there loadout at the end of the event)
  • Comes with 5 arena dupes (but you can simply make your own and set the spawn points in-game with the admin menu)
  • A winning system where the winner of an event automatically gets a prize!
  • Has an automated event system so events happen every x amount of minutes (changeable in the config)
  • You can run multiple events at once
  • You can add your own events
  • Players can join certain events mid way through with you not even having to blink an eye! Its all automated!
  • Supports any gamemode (especially DarkRP, Military RP and now StarWars RP! - for any specific gamemodes if you pop me a message I can do a test for you, but it should be fine)

The events

  • Random event - You decide what that is and tell people what to do.
  • Random Team Event - You decide what your event is and tell people what to do. If your event involves team, you can choose this run for it to designate people into 2 teams.
  • Team Death Match - Two teams are put against each other, whichever team gets the most kills win
  • Fist Fighting - In this event players are stripped and left with fists, they are then(in the provided arena) set to fight each other
  • Car Racing - In this event players have to spawn/buy there own cars and take it to a start line (which is a green box on the map) it's essentially first to the red box wins.
  • Embankment - In this event you have 2 teams. They have 2 minutes to collect all the guns they can find and take position's. After the 2 minutes the walls will drop and both teams fight to win.
  • Maze - In this event players how to find the center of a maze. There are guns and equipment around the maze to help players get an advantage.
  • Capture The Flag - In this event you and your team have to capture at least 2 of the 3 flag zones.
  • Star Wars - In this event you can allocate who goes on what team with their jobs and you can have a battle between the 2 sides
  • King Of The Hill - In this event you have to capture and hold zones to gain points for your team! The team with the most points win!

The current default prizes

If you want a prize that's not on the list if you make a ticket I will try and get it added for you!

How it works?

  1. First, you simply do !startevent
  2. Select the event you want to run
  3. Set the spawn positions & a prize
  4. After everyone has joined and you are ready to start the event, press start event! (You can also cancel it)
  5. After the event is done, that's usually it! On most events it will automatically give the prize to the winner/s unless you make an event use a winning menu, which you then must pick a winner/s from a list!

How will this boost my playercount?

Well, I thought I would use a case study from my server to show. The days with the big spikes was they days we ran events. We were having constant SQL issues so our playercount was doing rather well considering. Here is the count:


Do note that we did have a large steam group to alert people, BUT our recurring players started to hugely increase as well


The addon

  • Install the addon by placing eventaddon into \garrysmod\addons

The Dupes

  • Place the dupe into your client side files here C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\data\advdupe2

Workshop link

A little taste of what you're getting



YouTube demo of setting up an event

Video coming soon, but it's essentially anything you want it to be

YouTube demo of a Random Team Event

Video coming soon, but it's essentially anything you want it to be with teams

YouTube demo of Fist Fighting (OUTDATED)

I currently don't have one, but if you make one please send to me and ill post it here!

YouTube demo of Star Wars

I currently don't have one, but if you make one please send to me and ill post it here!

YouTube demo of King Of The Hill

I currently don't have one, but if you make one please send to me and ill post it here!

Feature list:

  • 10 Events (Comment with suggestions! Space for more!)
  • Is in English/Français/Deutsch
  • Has a nice interface
  • Teaming system
  • Organizes players to be ready for the event (Teleport's the player, sets their HP, armour, strips them and gives them the load out you set in the config, it also returns there loadout at the end of the event)
  • Comes with 5 arena dupes (but you can simply make your own and set the spawn points in-game with the admin menu)
  • A winning system where the winner of an event automatically gets a prize!
  • Has an automated event system so events happen every x amount of minutes (changeable in the config)
  • You can run multiple events at once
  • You can add your own events
  • Players can join certain events mid way through with you not even having to blink an eye! Its all automated!
  • Supports any gamemode (Especially DarkRP, Military RP and now StarWars RP! - for any specific gamemodes if you pop me a message I can do a test for you, but it should be fine)

The events

  • Random event - You decide what that is and tell people what to do.
  • Random Team Event - You decide what your event is and tell people what to do. If your event involves team, you can choose this run for it to designate people into 2 teams.
  • Team Death Match - Two teams are put against each other, whichever team gets the most kills win
  • Fist Fighting - In this event players are stripped and left with fists, they are then(in the provided arena) set to fight each other
  • Car Racing - In this event players have to spawn/buy there own cars and take it to a start line (which is a green box on the map) it's essentially first to the red box wins.
  • Embankment - In this event you have 2 teams. They have 2 minutes to collect all the guns they can find and take position's. After the 2 minutes the walls will drop and both teams fight to win.
  • Maze - In this event players how to find the centre of a maze. There are guns and equipment around the maze to help players get an advantage.
  • Capture The Flag - In this event you and your team have to capture at least 2 of the 3 flag zones.
  • Star Wars - In this event you can allocate who goes on what team with their jobs and you can have a battle between the 2 sides
  • King Of The Hill - In this event you have to capture and hold zones to gain points for your team! The team with the most points win!

The current default prizes

  • Nothing
  • DarkRP cash (cash amount configurable in config)
  • A weapon/s (weapon configurable in config)
  • A ULX rank (rank configurable in config)
  • Pointshop 1 points
  • Pointshop 2 standard points
  • Pointshop 2 premium points
  • Brick's Credit Store credits

If you want a prize that's not on the list if you make a ticket I will try and get it added for you!

How it works?

  1. First, you simply do !startevent
  2. Select the event you want to run
  3. Set the spawn positions & a prize
  4. After everyone has joined and you are ready to start the event, press start event! (You can also cancel it)
  5. After the event is done, that's usually it! On most events it will automatically give the prize to the winner/s unless you make an event use a winning menu, which you then must pick a winner/s from a list!

How will this boost my playercount?

Well, I thought I would use a case study from my server to show. The days with the big spikes was they days we ran events. We were having constant SQL issues so our playercount was doing rather well considering. Here is the count:


Do note that we did have a large steam group to alert people, BUT our recurring players started to hugely increase as well

A little taste of what you're getting


The events

  • Random event - You decide what that is and tell people what to do.
  • Random Team Event - You decide what your event is and tell people what to do. If your event involves team, you can choose this run for it to designate people into 2 teams.
  • Team Death Match - Two teams are put against each other, whichever team gets the most kills win
  • Fist Fighting - In this event players are stripped and left with fists, they are then(in the provided arena) set to fight each other
  • Car Racing - In this event players have to spawn/buy there own cars and take it to a start line (which is a green box on the map) it's essentially first to the red box wins.
  • Embankment - In this event you have 2 teams. They have 2 minutes to collect all the guns they can find and take position's. After the 2 minutes the walls will drop and both teams fight to win.
  • Maze - In this event players how to find the centre of a maze. There are guns and equipment around the maze to help players get an advantage.
  • Capture The Flag - In this event you and your team have to capture at least 2 of the 3 flag zones.
  • Star Wars - In this event you can allocate who goes on what team with their jobs and you can have a battle between the 2 sides
  • King Of The Hill - In this event you have to capture and hold zones to gain points for your team! The team with the most points win!


The addon

  • Install the addon by placing eventaddon into \garrysmod\addons

The Dupes

  • Place the dupe into your client side files here C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\data\advdupe2

Workshop link


YouTube demo of setting up an event

Video coming soon, but it's essentially anything you want it to be

YouTube demo of a Random Team Event

Video coming soon, but it's essentially anything you want it to be with teams

YouTube demo of Fist Fighting (OUTDATED)

I currently don't have one, but if you make one please send to me and ill post it here!

YouTube demo of Star Wars

I currently don't have one, but if you make one please send to me and ill post it here!

YouTube demo of King Of The Hill

I currently don't have one, but if you make one please send to me and ill post it here!

Product reviews

4.62 average based on 28 reviews

David [SWN]
Amazing Support
I had an idea I really needed for my server. I made a ticket and some hours later there was a update. Very friendly and happy to get ideas.
By David [SWN] -
(version 3.6.1)
Author's reply
Happy to help - hope you enjoy it! And thanks for the idea!!!! :)
By Bings -
The idea of fully managed event padding is a good one.
By Bulka -
(version 3.6.0)
Leon Schlingell
Idea is good
The idea of an full-managed event addon is good bu there are some problems I´m messing with. When having a SeriousRP Server it´s not a good choice. Simply because the prebuilt events are rather made for Semi-SeriousRP.
By Leon Schlingell -
(version 3.5.7)
Very good developer!
Very cool developer, outgoing and very quick to respond! With such a developer, the addon has a very good future :3
This product was received for free
(Never downloaded)
Great Addon
Addon works flawlessly I do hate how SAM documentation is dog but it is great you got it working, anyway you can add Xenin inventory to the list like Bricks inventory where it disables when you join an event? if not its fine all good. Keep up the work. Another problem is with KOTH, you should have it only have one box instead of 3 (If you do try setting it to only one box it causes errors)
By Grizzly -
(version 3.5.2)
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Event Addon
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