💰 Slawer - Burglary | Let your players rob !

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Give to the players of your DarkRP server the opportunity to play a new activity, never seen before !

When you'll be in-game, you’ll just have to set up some missions for your players easily with the in-game admin weapon (very easy to set up). Then, your players will just have to start missions (alone or not)! When they'll have got their bags, they'll just have to go to the place of the mission and do it. Then, they'll have to bring the bags filled with the stolen objects and get their money.

With this addon, your players can play a new activity, roberry! They’ll have to start missions and will even be able to cooperate, making social bonds!

  • Several supported languages
  • Clean UI
  • Custom elements made by me
  • Custom model
  • Custom sportbag
  • Easy to set up
  • In-game configuration
  • Admin tool
  • Chat command
  • Cooperating system
  • Missions can be started alone or with other players (maximum is configurable)
  • Custom component on the HUD
  • Box telling if you can take or drop your bag and how
  • Burglaries saved even after an update

Setting up a new burglary (shown in the video)

  1. Take the admin weapon.
  2. Place objects where you want (left click).
  3. Change their properties (right click on them).
  4. Model
  5. Price
  6. Press R, configure everything as you want.
  7. Name
  8. Time limit
  9. Delay
  10. Objects (same as right click)
  11. Icon
  12. Save.

Editing/Deleting a burglary already created (not shown in the video)

  1. Type /burglaries in the chat.
  2. Make some changes.
  3. Icon (click on the actual one)
  4. Name
  5. Delay
  6. Time Limit
  7. Delete
  8. Click on the icon at the top left corner of the menu to save.

How to enable the team restrictions in the configuration file?

CFG.RobberTeams = {
   ["Job Name"] = true,
   ["Another one"] = true,

  1. Unzip the file and place it into /garrysmod/addons/
  2. Configure this addon at slawer_burglary/lua/slawer_burglary/configuration.lua
  3. Restart your server

If you want to translate the addon in another language unavailable just send me the content below translated. It must be in your primary language.

Slawer.Burglary.Lang["EN"] = {
    NotYourBag = "This bag is not yours",
    EmptyBag = "Your bag is empty, come back when it'll be full",
    ItemsBrought = "You sold the contents of your bag for %s",
    Teammates = "Teammates",
    DoMissionAlone = "Start alone",
    DoMissionWith = "Start with %d person(s)",
    NoPlayersAround = "There are no players around",
    RemainingTime = "Time remaining",
    MaxIncome = "Maximum income",
    Default = "Default",
    Configuration = "Configuration",
    NameOfBurglary = "Name of the burglary",
    TimeLimit = "Time limit (seconds)",
    Delay = "Delay (seconds)",
    IconChange = "Change icon",
    Save = "Save",
    Reset = "Reset",
    Price = "Price : %s",
    PriceB = "Price",
    Model = "Model",
    Delete = "Delete",
    BurglaryMissions = "Burglary Missions",
    Income = "Income : ",
    Request = "Request",
    Accept = "Accept",
    Refuse = "Refuse",
    MustProvideChanges = "You must provide changes to save them",
    ToDropYourBag = "To drop your bag",
    ToGrabThisBag = "To take this bag",
    XHasInvitedYou = "%s invites you for a burglary with him/her and %i other person(s)",
    NoAccess = "You do not have access to this",
    NotPartOfConfig = "This entity is not part of the configuration",
    AnErrorOccured = "An error has occurred, please try again",
    EntRemoved = "Entity successfully deleted",
    EntEdited = "Entity successfully edited",
    ActionDone = "Action successfully completed",
    ValidModel = "You must define a valid model",
    ValidPrice = "You must define a valid price",
    ValidName = "You must define a valid name",
    ValidDelay = "You must define a valid delay",
    ValidTimeLimit = "You must define a valid time limit",
    ValidIcon = "You must define a valid icon",
    ValidNPC = "You must use a valid NPC to start a mission",
    ValidMission = "You must select a valid mission",
    ValidRequest = "You must respond to a valid request",
    RequestNotPending = "You are trying to respond to a request that is no longer in progress",
    ReqNotAskedFor = "You are trying to respond to a request that is not for you",
    AnswerSent = "Your answer has been sent, please wait for the others",
    AnotherTeamIsRequesting = "Another team is already waiting for this mission",
    ConfigReset = "Configuration reset",
    CantStartTwoMissions = "You can't start a mission when you already have one",
    SomeoneAlreadyStartedAMission = "Someone has already started this mission",
    WaitBeforeNewRequest = "You must wait before sending back new mission requests",
    AlreadyPendingRequest = "You already have a current mission request",
    MoreThanXPeople = "You cannot start a mission with more than %d person(s)",
    RequestSentToEachMate = "A request has been sent to each player, please wait now",
    MissionHasStarted = "The mission has started, come back with filled bags",
    UnavailableMission = "This mission is unavailable at the moment",
    MissionFinished = "Congratulations, you have completed the mission!",
    MissionFinishedFail = "The mission is over, you lost the items you didn't bring back",
    MissionCanceledInactivity = "The burglary was cancelled due to a refusal or inactivity of a player",
    NoValidEntity = "There is no valid entity in front of you",
    LeftClick = "Left click: Create a new object to steal",
    RightClick = "Right click: Edit the object in front of you",
    ReloadClick = "Reload: Open the configuration menu of the burglary",
    GlobalAdmin = "Global Administration",
    NotAllowedToRobbery = "You do not have access to the burglaries",

SlownLS, Timmy · Adviced me

Kaesar · Made the 3D model

Product reviews

4.80 average based on 4 reviews

Very good addon, with some players there can be some challenges
By mrElPigeon -
(version 1.0.2)
Great addon
Excellent addon, simple to configure. addon usable on any type of darkrp server.
By Tomy -
(version 1.0.3)
FR: Super addons panel tres joli et support a l'ecoute je recommande vivement l'achat de cette addons pour votre serveur darkrp il est tres complet et en plus hyper facile a configurer ! EN: Super addons panel very nice and listening support I highly recommend the purchase of these addons for your darkrp server it is very complete and also super easy to configure!
By !Draks -
(version 1.0.1)
Very good
A very useful addon, never seen before, very much appreciated by my players. Installed and configured fastly! Good job!
This product was received for free
By Samgaze -
(version 1.0.2)
great addon for an advanced burglary system. Friendly system of cooperation. Simple to configure and install. Fast and clear support. I hope this will remain updated in need...
By Harry_75 -
(version 1.0.2)
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Russian, English, German, Turkish, French, Spanish
  • DarkRP
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