If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Sure it can, which levelling systems are used most nowadays?

Could there be Levels added so it shows how many levels u need
and if u have them ore not

Open a support ticket
I’ll help you 😄

Could someone tell me how to make entities available for buying ? What are the settings and how I configure that ?

F4MenuMainPanel.OnKeyCodePressed = function(self,code) if code == KEY_F4 then self:Remove() end end

When i look at the F4 ingame. the description buttons is like half cut off.

suggestion : possibility of choose between different skin when we select a job

Tempted to pick this up, but the review saying the only way to close it is with the 'X' is a little off-putting. Is this true? If so, will you make it so you can close it with the F4 key?

I was thinking of creating a whole new F4 instead

will it be added soon?

Ahhh thanks the question mark did it. Yea it is currently not a feature. Although it is an old script and I was thinking of creating a whole new F4 instead. Ideas are welcome :D!


Here are some examples of another f4
(deposit money, deposit a weapon)

we can put orders like: sell the doors, ect

Currently it is not a feature, I could add it though if there is demand.

Does this support Vrondakis' DarkRP leveling system? As in does it show the level required for jobs and have a message when someone tries to take the job that isn't qualified for it?

is there somehow that i can split my entities and jobs menu in half so i can have 2 columns instead of one that takes up too much extra space?

Was wondering if I can change a setting or somewhere in the code so that all categories are pre-collapsed for players because I have that many entity categories it's a bit messy xD

Not at all :)
Could make one tbh. Add me on Steam, wanna go through some features :)

Mind making a Scoreboard in these awesome style :0

Thanks :). Ill buy it in a bit then!

It does! :)