Agree with Badger that would be awsome
i agree with badger that would be a great addition
Badger Hello, yes I can add this, it is a good idea for a future update!
Could the lottery system have an option to be based on like the regular darkrp lottery system. So the amount on how much money is entered into the prize pool (cost per ticket*number of participants)?
Thanks a lot Brickwall!
Looks good, GLWS :)
Familiar style, the menu opening animation is really nice btw, good work,
Thank you all guys <3
loving the transition animations.
Jeje GLWS = Goodluck with sales. / (i.e goodluck, wish you the best on your product selling...)
Why everyone comments GLWS ?
nice UI, glws
GLWS, nice work !
Very nice! GLWS :D
Cool addon! GLWS
Looks nice! GLWS :)