💻 Fléodon's PCMod - Computer, DarkNet, Laptop, WIFI, Airdrop

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In short

Fléodon's PCMod is a huge computer mod that will pave the way for an immersive and realistic roleplay for your server. It includes a wide spectrum of unique and fun features. Whether you are in a car, on foot or at home, you can enjoy 100% of this new computer system.

Take a look on the TABS and MEDIA to get more details.

This new addon is a veryyyyy good deal for your server, your players and your realism ranking, without counting the countless features: I have a very nice support wether on gmodstore or also on my discord server, I'm always ready to help you :) By the way, PCMod worths it also because I will publish new crispy and fabulous updates frequently, I have already a list with new applications, websites, features. Since I'm a developer I take pleasure to make realistic addons and I'm glad with this new project!

Feel free to open a ticket for any problem you could probably get, I'll be available to help you. I will answer as fast as I can (usually, you'll get an answer in less than one hour)

FLEODON'S LIBRARY: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2546382647

CONTENT PACK: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2345893793

The Jobs app will allow you to completely get rid of your F4 menu. Be realistic, all the main DarkRP features are now included in the laptop (store, darknet, jobs, etc..). Furthermore, the menu is really beautiful.

Video showcase:

The settings is a configuration application, which includes six modules of configuration.

  • Background

You can choose one of the 23 included background : or import a background with an URL.

  • Colors

Not fan of the base colors? Just access to this menu and select colors you like!

  • Preferences

You can enable or disable : the blur, the date, the sound and the taskbar.

  • Languages

Choose the system language. (English, French, Polish, Turkish, Spanish, German, Russian)

  • Extensions

At the moment I have just included one extension, you can link your computer with MCPhone, you will be notified on your phone for a few things.

  • Network

You must be connected to a wifi router to use applications which need internet.

Nothing is better than player interactions, so I recreated a social media named What'sup? It includes four parts: Profile / Home / Friends / Conversations

You can message somebody, post a public message, and edit your own profile. As a moderator, you can delete messages with the button on the right side of a message.




This application will go a long way in helping police officers do their job, it includes at the moment two modules.

It's a kind of database:

  • Citizens: Useful to find somebody with a name or a job name.
  • Vehicles: You can find a vehicle with a license plate, the owner name or the vehicle name.

This addon supports License Plates system in order to find a vehicle license plate and his owner.

The PCMod's Browser is very fun, you can find a lot of things on it. Would you like a lawyer at your location to fight for your rights or even a cab? Just go the relative websites. But, if you are not legal, you could purchase something you like on the darknet 👓

Included websites:

  • Banking: Would you like to see your balance or transfer money?
  • Darknet: Purchase illegal things..
  • Lawyers: Contact a lawyer to fight for your rights! (A gps point will be drawn for the requested lawyer)
  • Cabs: Request a cab at your location and make a trip or just go anywhere you want. (A gps point will be drawn for the requested taxi driver)

DarkNet: players who purchase something will get their items by an airdrop delivery. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb-_5mcgfe0)

Are you in trouble? Do you need help? Don’t wait a second and have a look on the Services application. Usually, you would add "911" services like the police, the EMS, the fire brigade, .. but you could add another job :)

The requested rescuers will get a GPS point to your location in order to come to you.

A realistic and fun store for all your purchases. You can choose your payment method, wether it is by your wallet or by your bank account.

I created a properties application to improve the realism of your server, with it you can purchase a property from your computer. The addon suports Realistic Properties made by Kobralost. Therefore, if you have Realistic Properties on your server, the properties app will be automatically added.

You can manage your gang directly from your house by using your computer. The addon supports at the moment Brick's Gang, and Void Factions is next.

These 6 modules are included, then all supported scripts will be adapted to my menus, as you can see in the next screenshots:


1) Unzip the .zip file, then put the folder 'fleodon_pcmod' on your garrysmod/addons/ folder.

2) Add the CONTENT PACK to your workshop collection, otherwise you'll see all the models in error and textures won't be drawn. (DO NOT FORGET THE CONTENT PACK)

3) Restart your game and the server.

General Configuration

To customize the general settings of the script you should go to fleodon_pcmod/lua/pcmod/sh/sh_config.lua

You should restart your server after configured the script in order to apply changes.

Configuration file: https://pastebin.com/txG7zUva

InGame Configuration (Settings application)

Make your own client configuration by going on the settings application:

Laptop SWEP Animations

Give your laptop to another player

User Interface

Movable icons

I'm more than ready to help you if you got a problem! I answer to support tickets as fast as I can, usually in less than one hour.

Product reviews

4.00 average based on 7 reviews

Clearly too buggy and almost no support
Hello, I don't recommend you simply because many applications create lua errors. Even if you try it with 0 addons only this one and its fleodon's library there will be no change except that there will be no supported applications. Let's talk about the supported applications - well, nothing works. It's as simple as that. Hopefully we'll get an update that will fix all the problems if not I don't see much point in selling a script that doesn't work and should be up to date. That will be all and thanks for reading.
By Alcatraz -
(version 1.1.1)
Why I decided to remove this from my server...
Full of errors that are awaiting to be fixed (property and job apps). Store apps are not compatible with better banking, advanced properties' delivery, or PjDelivery. And the config is hard to navigate. The apps I can't use are: any store app or web, not compatible with better banking or my delivery addons. Jobs and properties, does not work. Police, does nothing besides look at people's banks and license plates. Gangs, I don't even know if this works. Airdrops, I don't appreciate it because it makes no sense in my type of rp setting. The apps I can use are: WhatsUp, Services, and settings (lol). So I bought an addon with three features that I can use. Make that two because I can put services in chat or on MCphone. Make that one because settings is not really an important feature. Make that zero because what kind of laptop has one app? 89% do not recommend, case closed.
By okuphelele -
(version 1.1.2)
Jack Sparrow
Révolution !
Cette addon est une révolution du rôleplay gmod fr , en même temps ce développeur est extra :) . Facile à configurer et prise de mains ! Rajoute du bon rôleplay . Je vous le recommande ^^
By Jack Sparrow -
(version 1.0.3)
Le mod est simple à configurer et très sympa ! Le mode darknet est super si par exemple vous souhaitez que vous joueurs puissent acheter des armes etc... Super !
By Louisi -
(version 1.0.3)
The addon is really great
If you're looking for simplicity and realism, this is the addon for you. Easy to configure and optimize! The best part about it is that it is versatile. No more need for f4 because the computer replaces everything (too bad we can't restrict purchases to certain jobs/groups and the quantity and then rank and restrict applications to certain jobs). The police computer is really nice to use for searches (it would be nice to be able to launch search notices in it). With a few updates over time it can be a must have addon for serious rp. Very qualitative like 911 emergency addon.
By Harry_75 -
(version 1.0.6)
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by Fleodon

Hey, look out! An amazing update has been published :)

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Fleodon's Studios
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Russian, English, German, Polish, Turkish, French, Chinese, Spanish
  • https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2345893793
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