📲 Fléodon's Services - Request & Respond (+bLogs)

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In short

Fléodon's Service is an amazing service system that will pave the way for an immersive and realistic roleplay. Your players can not request a cab, an ambulance or even a mechanic? Don't wait another second and purchase this marvelous script to make your players happy!

This new addon is a veryyyyy good deal for your server, your players and your realism ranking, without counting the countless features: I have a very nice support on gmodstore and also on my discord server, I'm always ready to help you :)

Fléodon's Service is really useful. It allows the players of your server to request a service. You can create your own services by using the admin menu and by adding beautiful images.

Feel free to open a ticket for any problem you could probably get, I'll be available to help you. I will answer as fast as I can (usually, you'll get an answer in less than one hour)

CONTENT PACK: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2423737257

DISCORD SUPPORT: https://discord.gg/wrmAJZY5zn


  • Fancy UI
  • bLogs support
  • MCPhone support
  • An Amazing InGame configuration menu that allows you to add/edit/delete services.
  • Translated in 2 languages
  • Included a beautiful notifications system
  • Instead of adding a simple name you can add an image to the service that will appear on the services list

Responder's View

  • A notification is sent to the responder when someone requests a service
  • A gps point is drawn when the responder claims the call
  • A maximum time until the notification closes automatically
  • Notifications auto-adapt to your screen and the number of notifications displayed
  • The message sent by the victim is scrolling from the left to the right


  • Console commands:
  • fleodon_services (user menu)
  • fleodon_services_admin (admin menu)

  • Chat commands: You can define multiple chat commands in the configuration file.

  • Context menu: A button is available on the context menu to open the user menu.


1) Unzip the .zip file, then put the folder 'fleodon_services_system' on your garrysmod/addons/ folder.

2) Add the CONTENT PACK to your workshop collection, otherwise the textures won't be drawn. (DO NOT FORGET THE CONTENT PACK)

3) Restart your game and the server.

General Configuration

To customize the general settings of the script you should go to lua/fservices/sh/sh_config.lua

You can also edit the color theme/materials/sounds here: lua/fservices/sh/sh_theme.lua

You should restart your server after configured the script in order to apply changes.

Configuration file: https://pastebin.com/Z1xhVByS

InGame Configuration

There is three ways to open the admin menu:

  • with the chat command
  • with the console command
  • with the context menu

I'm more than ready to help you if you got a problem! I answer to support tickets as fast as I can, usually in less than one hour.

You can open a support ticket on gmodstore like everyone does, or I provide also a discord support, feel free to join it and chat with my community, we will glad to help you!


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4.67 average based on 6 reviews

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This product is marked as unsupported. That means there is no support available for this product.
Fleodon's Studios
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