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Curator's Featured Review
Looks very promising at the moment. Will save me a lot of time. I've only used it on dev server, let's see with 60-85 players tomorrow :)
In short
Forum sync allows you to sync ranks from your forums into the game (and vice versa). Taking the hassle away from you!
**Update 1.0.6: Added V-Bulletin (VB) support! **
Now supports reverse compatibility!
This will basically reverse the main purpose of the script. Syncing your in-game rank to your forums, instead of forums -> game WhitelistN.Config.CrossComp = false/true
- Syncs Forums -> Users
- Provides a fast, efficient white-list system for all your needs.
- Make your server completely whitelist, make certain groups allowed to join, some not!
- Sync your ulx/serverguard ranks with your forums! Example: VIP on forums -> vip in game [Serverguard/ULX support]
- (DARKRP) Make any job only allowed to be join by whitelist (group-id). This allows jobs to be restricted/applied for!
- Works with any gamemode!
- Works with IPB/MyBB/Xenforo/VB!
This script is very efficient and will cause no lag. It's extended configuration provides multiple ways to setup the white-list system to your liking, and even provides a touch by including dark-rp functions
I am more than happy to sit down 1-on-1 and help you configure or work out strains you have with the script, but the best way to contact me is through a SUPPORT TICKET
V-Bulletin (VB):
- Forum Database (MyBB, IPB, Xenforo, VB)
- Remote Connections (forum DB) enabled
- Download the script and extract to /addons folder
- Open svwhitelistconfig.lua and begin the configuration process!
DARKP Install
You can setup jobs to be used for 1 forum group or many! Using this example.
Inside your job table:
WhitelistRank = {1, 5, 10} -- Multiple groups WhitelistRank = 1 -- just a single group
Thank you, please send me a message with any questions, or features. I will take any request for more features.
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