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This product is DLC for the product Ember - donation system, bans, loading screen & landing/index page.
Please read the product description thoroughly before purchasing.
Curator's Featured Review
Amazing Script! Simple & Sleek! Many Features...with more to come!
Great Script! If you're looking to become the next 'big thing' then by all means; Buy this. This supplies users with everything they need in a forum...and more! Wished that there was some sort of admin panel or something, but I know & respect that this an extremely new script :D Support is amazing and content creator knows what he is doing :) Can't wait to see the future of this addon!
In short
A fully integrated forum system for Ember.
- @mentions with autocomplete
- quoting posts
- notification system with web push
- reaction system
- thread pinning & locking
- moving threads
- editing posts & threads
- removing posts & threads
- category & board management
- Ember user, role & permission management
- global, per-board & per-category permission management
- moderate permission
- view permission
- post thread permission
- reply permission
- react to post permission
- assign donator roles automatically on the forums
- assign forum moderation permissions for groups
- Ember ban management
- global and web-only bans apply on the forums
- separate permissions for banned users
Product reviews
4.00 average based on 16 reviews
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This product is DLC for the product Ember - donation system, bans, loading screen & landing/index page.
Please read the product description thoroughly before purchasing.
This product is marked as unsupported. That means there is no support available for this product.
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Product details
- Ember core