Forums for Ember

You can always read the reviews or discuss this product
If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
smc Purchased posted

Support, Hosting & Co

Surrounding the current situation of Ember & Discord

Hey all,

official Helper here from Embers Discord.

Support will be continued on Embers Discord by Helpers - keep in mind, this isn't directly provided by the developer of this software, but rather its community.

I will also keep providing free hosting to those who need it to run their installation without any issues. (US & EU)

However, I am unsure what exactly is going to happen to the project in general.

I'm hoping MK makes a return at some point, until then, we stand behind it for those who were able to purchase it.

For support, please join the official Ember discord - we will try to help as good as we can and more.

For free hosting, basically the same thing, you can then ping me or kokars and we will get you sorted.

Same thing if you require a free nodejs bot to run Discord DLC on.

We will figure out a way to offer a replacement for the shared ember bot as well and post accordingly.



Mkekala Author posted

J4CKO in case you have other PHP scripts running on the same server you might need to adjust the GC lifetime setting for sessions in global PHP configuration. The forums module in particular doesn't do anything unique regarding sessions. Should the issue persist, please open a support ticket.

J4CKO Purchased posted

For some reason it signs you out of steam account 90% of the time when you click on the forums tab? anyone else had this issue and any way to fix it?

Mkekala Author posted

Cub currently the text is formatted and stored in Markdown. Text colors and video embeds aren't included in the Markdown specification. I might add support for more formatting features but that entails custom syntax. Nested forum boards are planned. A warning system could be neat to have but I'd likely also write game integrations if I were to make one so it'd take a while. All in all I mostly agree, chances are those features will exist in the future.

Cub posted

I want to keep using this on the community i manage (owner has a copy) but theres a few features that are proving hard to work without. namely full use of the WYSIWYG editor meaning things like video embeds and colored text. but also id really like to be able to create sub forums (ie accepted and denied sections for staff apps) and maybe the additional web moderation option of warning. If you were to add what I said about the text editor and add sub forums your dlc would compete heavily with existing more extensive forum software. I get the goal was simplicity, and some people including myself want simplicity, but it's so simple that it's missing features that by now are an absolute must and standard for all forum software.

Cub posted

Add a way to color your text

Vac Purchased posted

Do you plan on implementing sub-fourms soon? I'm holding off on buying until then.

slymer Purchased posted

Sub-forums would also be a nice feature to implicate in the near future!

Wren Purchased posted

Perfect! Because if you global ban someone how can they appeal on the forums haha.

Keep up the great work Mkekala!

Mkekala Author posted

Admiral Mirage currently global bans apply on the forums, but I'm planning to integrate the ban system better after I've finished rewriting the addon.

Wren Purchased posted

Forum bans and warnings would be dope...

Rhys Purchased posted

I think you should still be able to edit posts after you've locked them, if your the OP or a site admin.

Mkekala Author posted

Subcategories are planned, I'll try to get them done eventually. Board descriptions could make sense to have as well indeed.

Eric I'd imagine reactions could be used for most polls. I'm trying to keep the forums simple and minimal, although I might consider adding a separate poll system at some point.

Yuyu♥ localization/translation is planned for the main addon. I'll implement it for this one as well if/when I get around to doing it. I've also considered creating some kind of a thread template builder for applications and the like if that's what you mean.

DJ Purchased posted

Love the addon as i've just started implementing it on my web server.

Only a couple of features I would like to see however:

  • Sub categories/threads for forums (as mentioned below for areas such as staff applications)
  • Category/Board descriptions

This would improve the script massively and would make my never look back to mybb etc.

Eric Purchased posted

I agree with sub categories they need to be added, also polls for the forums would be nice as well.

Eevee Purchased posted
● edited

Sadly it misses some stuff but I really like it:

Missing/Could be better:

  • Icons for forums should be aligned, it shouldn't matter how big they are. So texts would be in a line.
  • Language file to translate or a way to translate easier.
  • A way to add tags with colors to topics
  • Adding a bugtracker would be awesome
  • Subcategories ofc..
  • An Application system integrated would be cool aswell
  • Descriptions for boards
KucingSiang posted
● edited

Add sub-categories, so like accepted or denied under staff application, and maybe font color?

Pro Michael Angelo Purchased posted

Thanks and amazing response time boy, damn you fast.

Mkekala Author posted

Pro Michael Angelo that is in fact something I was planning to implement but I completely forgot about it before getting it added to my to-do list. Thanks for reminding me, I'll definitely add it there this time.

Pro Michael Angelo Purchased posted

Hey, I was just wondering. Is there a way to add my own custom reactions or remove/disable some of the original ones?

TommyBoiy Purchased posted

Alright thanks for the fast responds

Mkekala Author posted

TommyBoiy unfortunately that's not possible as this DLC depends on a lot of the code that I wrote for the core version.

TommyBoiy Purchased posted

Is there anyway I can use this on my webhost without having the other script?

Gabyfle posted


I find this idea rather strange, why not integrate with existing forum applications, instead of creating your own system?

However, your system still looks very successful, but you should also consider integrating with existing systems:)

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