Fresh Car Dealer V3 - Prometheus/GExtension support!

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In short

Fresh Car Dealer is a high quality car dealer designed to fit all your needs and keep your players happy! From a fully in-game configuration to the ability to customize all vehicles, this addon is stocked with features, and is the cheapest yet best on the market!

What is this?

Fresh Car Dealer is a simple, and very user-friendly car dealer. For the amount of features it carries, the price is great.


  • Ease of setting up
  1. 95% of setting up is done in-game
  2. Only reason to visit the config file is for simple editing
  3. Simple drag n' drop to install car dealer
  4. Highly configurable
  • Prometheus / GExtension Support
  1. You can now sell vehicles for real money!
  • Admin System:
  1. Register vehicles in-game
  2. Edit/remove vehicles in-game
  3. Give/take vehicles from players in-game
  4. Change a dealer's name, id, and model in-game
  5. Spawn dealers and car platforms in-game
  6. Save dealers in-game
  7. Much more
  • Vehicles
  1. Body group modifications for vehicles
  2. Skin modifications for vehicles
  3. Color changing for vehicles
  4. Supports VCMod
  5. Vehicle models are precached
  6. New vehicle under-lights. Meaning you can add lights that show under your vehicle!

  1. Players can now steal vehicles and chop them for money
  2. Once a player enters a vehicle they don't own, a menu appears asking if they would like to claim the vehicle as stolen.
  3. If they click yes, they must drive the vehicle to the Chop NPC
  4. And then they sell it, this can be configured in the config file!
  • Seperate dealers
  1. You can now have different vehicles for different dealers.
  2. Just set the vehicles specific dealer to the id of the dealer you want it to display on!
  3. So, now you can have a Police Vehicles Dealer, etc….
  • Misc.
  1. User-friendly
  2. Unique UI design
  3. No need to restart after saving dealers
  4. No need to restart after adding/removing vehicles
  5. MySQL Support (Using DarkRPs MySQLite module, meaning it'll connect to whatever database you have DarkRP connected to.)
  6. Vehicle modifications are saved! So you can spawn the same vehicle with the same modifications as last time, easier.

Much more features are to come as time goes by!

I suggest that you watch the video to see some of the features.

How to spawn dealers:

  1. Spawn a Car Dealer via the Q Menu (Q menu --> Entities --> Tupac's Items --> Fresh Car Dealer)
  2. While looking at the car dealer, type !dealeradmin
  3. Simply change the dealer name, ID, and model to what you want
  4. You can spawn a platform by clicking the "Spawn Platform" button, and add as many as you want

How to register vehicles:

For a quick tutorial, that includes rank/job restrictions,

Watch in 1080p to be able to understand at your fullest potential

  1. Type !fcdadmin in-game.
  2. Select "Vehicle Management".
  3. Select a vehicle you would like to register/delete.
  4. Once the vehicle is selected, simply set the price.
  5. Click apply, and you're done!

Here's how to add rank/job restrictions:

  1. Follow the steps above up to step 3.
  2. Under the "Set ranks" label, enter the rank(s) you would like to restrict this to
  • If you want it to be restricted just to one rank, type the rank and stop there
  • If you want it restricted to multiple ranks, type your first rank, add a ',', then type the second rank, and so on (superadmin,admin,thirdrank,etc)
  1. For job restricting, do the same done for rank restricting, except use the team name (Citizen,Civil Protection,etc)

How to give/take vehicles from players in-game:

For a quick tutorial on how to give/take vehicles from players,

Watch in 1080p to be able to understand at your fullest potential

  1. In-game, type !fcdadmin.
  2. Select "Player Management".
  3. Select a player to manage.
  4. Select a vehicle to give/take.
  5. Click the "Give" or "Take" button, depending on what you want.

How to add a vehicle to Prometheus:

  1. Create a package as usual.
  2. When assigning actions, scroll down to where it says "Custom Action", select it.
  3. Set the action to "At first join".
  4. For the code snippet, type this

GiveCar( Prometheus.Temp.Ply, "ENTERVEHICLECLASSHERE" )

Do not change the Prometheus.Temp.Ply, just change the "ENTERVEHICLECLASSHERE", and replace it with the vehicles class (Like "veyronsstdm"), be sure to keep quotes around the vehicle class.

How to add a vehicle to GExtension:

  1. Create a package as usual.
  2. When assigning a reward, scroll down to Custom Lua, and open it.
  3. In the "Lua executed directly (One Server/All Servers)", type the following:


Do not change the PLAYER, just change the "ENTERVEHICLECLASSHERE", and replace it with the vehicles class (Like "veyronsstdm"), be sure to keep quotes around the vehicle class.

Keep in mind, if there are no platforms found/ they don't exist, the vehicle will automatically be spawned in front of the dealer, facing the right. This is meaning that Car Platforms are not required, but recommended.


Step 1: Drop the "freshcardealer-v3" folder to your* /garrysmod/addons

Step 2: You can set up the car dealer in-game, just edit the admin ranks in the config file @ lua/fcd/sh_config.lua

Step 3: Enjoy!


I offer support using the ScriptFodder ticket system. Please do NOT add me on Steam for support unless you feel like it's very urgent!


If you feel like supporting me further than just purchasing this script (<3), feel free to leave a positive review. However, if you feel like this doesn't deserve a positive review, hit me up with a support ticket or through Steam, and let me know why you think it doesn't, and I'll most likely fix it ;)

Report any bugs/errors through the ticket system or through Steam, thanks!

Keep in mind

As the script goes on, I while be updating and improving it constantly!

This also means that the price might be increasing every couple of "big" updates, so if you're thinking of purchasing this script, I'd buy it before the price increases :D

What's a review better than one from the owner of the biggest GMod community?





Thanks, and have a great day!

Product reviews

4.51 average based on 58 reviews

Doesn't seem to work anymore
When I purchased this car dealer for my server, I thought I wouldn't get any script errors like other addons. I tried to use it but just script errors about underglow.
By KinppyTTV -
(version 3.1.3)
Doesn't Work
Players purchase vehicles and then find out that they’re purchase is only saved half of the time. Also, no support is available for this add-on.
By Camo -
(version 3.1.3)
Doesn’t Work
Players purchase vehicles and then find out that they’re purchase is only saved half of the time. Also, no support is available for this add-on.
By hl3 -
(version 3.1.3)
Does't really work well
I bought this addon as it seemed fairly cheap but good at face value. Upon registering vehicles though, I was disappointed to find out that none of my additions were visible on the purchase screen, hence, redering the addon useless. The UI doesn't seem to be updated as it does not load the fonts and UI that we see on the gmod store page! FYI - I use TDM cars predominantly
By Adsman100 -
(version 3.1.3)
Got a Few Questions...
Overall, the mod seems to be well put together but I am missing textures for the car dealer itself, is that due to a css mount problem? also Does this mod include vehicles because it says it does in the description. Its completely fine if it doesn't I would just need to know the best car pack to throw in. Is there a content pack i need to install?
By Tub#9522 -
(version 3.1.3)
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This product is marked as unsupported. That means there is no support available for this product.
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