gAdmin - Staff Application System

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In short

gAdmin - Staff Application System Easy to manage Staff Applications, including limitless Multi-Server support with customizable and unique forms.

gAdmin - Staff Application System


YOU NEED a damn website with PHP 5.6.X or greater and a MySQL database to use this script! You'll not get any refund if you don't have any website.

Need support?, hit me up on Steam anytime specifying in the comment section you need support.

To-Do List

  • Add In-Game voting menu
  • Display played time on the server
  • Display played time at Garry's Mod
  • Implementation of Serial Keys to use the system
  • Let applicants know their email isn't logged for contacting purposes (It's only used to let them know the applicant when there has been an update on their application).


Thank you smashie420 for the new banners <3


Thanks for the next persons, for translating the script to another language!
  1. ZeK to Russian
  2. Zerochain to German
  3. legadons1 to French
  4. POWER to Turkish
Speak another language?, go here!

  1. Installation explained in the README file once you download the script or at the Video Installation tab.

Web Server Requirements

  1. PHP 5.6 or greater website with access to FTP.
  2. MySQL PHP Module.
  3. MySQL Database.
  4. Knowledge about how to create and use a MySQL Database.

Server Requirements

  1. MySQLoo module.
  2. ULX or xAdmin (optional).
  3. Some obvious logic.

  • You can use this script for any game mode inside Garry's Mod (or even outside!).
  • Support for ReCaptcha.
  • Compatible with MySQLoo.
  • Accounts saved in DB by MySQL.
  • Admin Panel where you can manage bans, admins, applications, etc.
  • Nice design.
  • Rank automatically delivered to the server.
  • Easy Auto Web Installation system, no more config files webside.
  • Infinite questions with customizable form types (text, numbers, emails, colors, and more!)
  • A fully banning system is implemented, so you can block people from applying.
  • Compatible with ULX and xAdmin (also you can add your own compatibility with other systems).
  • Upload warns and playing time as proof (These can be enabled/disabled) (WIP in the latest version).
  • In-Game customizable command for applying.
  • Compatibility with almost all popular web hostings.
  • You can change animated messages that are displayed on the main page through the admin panel.
  • You can also use this script for any game, but consider that players won't get their rank automatically (but you can still code something to search for accepting applications on a MySQL DB, for more info, open a support ticket).
  • Compatibility with any language, currently the system has 4 fully translated languages (English, Russian, Spanish, and German).
  • You can customize the background images and admin panel images easily.
  • You can customize the system colors through the panel config easily.
  • Commenting system, where you can leave your comments about the desired application, so that way you can let know another administrator and the applicant what you think. Also, you can let applicants see comments or let them comment.
  • Multi-Server support without any limits, players will be able to choose on what server to apply on what rank, and if they get accepted, they will receive their rank on the specified server. You can add how many servers and ranks you want.
  • Customizable functions, so you can do whatever you want when an applicant is accepted (money, levels, ranks, weapons, etc)
  • You can specify what ranks applicants can choose during their application. You can have completely different forms for every rank, in case you want them to apply to rank up. Once they send their application, administrators can make a choice about what rank they should receive.
  • Applicants receive an email about their application being denied (with a reason filled by the administrator) or accepted.
  • Denied and accepted applications get removed over a customizable time in the admin panel.


Product reviews

5.00 average based on 5 reviews

Awesome Application System
It makes keeping track of staff applications very easy. I use it to manage all my servers and just the level of ways you can use it is awesome. I use it for my in-game staff but also discord and forums staff team. Whenever the user is accepted or denied it sends them an email. Also I wanted to talk about the installation process it was super simple and fast to install. It was literally drag and drop and then head over to the site to set up everything else. I truly adds to a professional community and makes the life of tracking applications very quick and efficient. It even has the ability to ban players from applying, also adding accepted players automatically to there rank. (Its an option that you choose) Overall 10/10 would recommend to anyone.
By Popcorn -
(version 2.0.12-3)
【S.E.M.C.】 TiggyTheTiger
Best application system created
This addon is not only well developed and great design but the support is quick and answers the questions you have at hand. For someone who runs a Community with multiple game platforms it make it easier to streamline applications for my Staff Team.
By 【S.E.M.C.】 TiggyTheTiger -
(version 2.0.12)
It is an essential addon if you wanna run a successful staff management. Your applicants are sorted and it is an easy to review staff management system. Every application in one place, no random comments what so ever, just cool. Sadly, I cannot tell you anything about the in game connection of that addon because I do not use it. This addon contains a web addon and an in game one which applies accepted people their rank automatically... It's cool but I do not need it, so I didn't install it either. I think its great too if you want something like that :P And the most awesome side about that is the support. I had a serious issue and Roberth literally fixed a very hard issue within 1 hour. It had to do with my php version etc. and he had to recode a few hundred lines... Now everything works and I'm very happy. Keep up the good work! :)
By kellekerell™ -
(version 2.0.11-4)
AMAZING SCRIPT AND THE FASTEST SUPPORT EVER (Answered me in less than 2 minutes each time) This is script is the best application system in the gmodstore. Very impressed!
(version REV_2.0.10)
Definitely A great script owner
By Krakim -
(version REV_2.0.7-1)
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This product is marked as unsupported. That means there is no support available for this product.

New update has been released!

by lRoberth

The new update that had been released weeks ago, is now out as a stable build.

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Product details
Russian, English, German, Spanish
  • Webserver with PHP 5.6.X or greater with access to FTP.
  • Webserver with MySQL PHP Module
  • MySQL Database
  • Knowledge about creating MySQL Databases
  • MySQLoo Module
  • ULX (optional)
  • Obvious logic
  • Enabled MySQL events (only if you want applications to remove over time)
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