If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.

Not sure if your still taking suggestions or not but if I could suggest adding more then one application form. For example when a player hits apply it allows them to choose between applying for a staff application or a game master application. Since a lot of servers are using both now.

I'll add that to the To-Do list for a future update.

Is it possible to notify the applicant that the "owners / website / w/e" doesn't have access to their email inputted, and that it mails them the result?

@GMOD Gaming You can code your own functions to add compatibility with any other system without any problems. But anyway, what do you mean by "for ban management"?

Does it support xAdmin for ban management ?

- you can only discuss applications through comments
- you can comment on denied applications without any problem

- Is there a staff area to discuss applications?
- Is there a way to make a comment on applications that are denied?

I have muh sources :) and who's the guy who coded the website so we can expose him?

- How you know that if you havent purchased?
- Wasnt me who designed/coded the webside, I only coded the server side xd

php code is very bad
database structure is very bad (50 columns niceeee)

@Yuno Gasai, This system has synchronization with your server, and also there will be a future menu in-game where you will be able to vote for applying players, also incluying an admin panel.

Simply use a forum. That's better lol

@LAST OF US Sorry, but we're not associated in any way to GAMMA. Since It's actually a totally different script, doesn't mean that you can get an discount on another script. It's like, going to McDonalds for an hamburger, then going to Wendy's to ask for a discount because you already bought an hamburger at McDonalds. (Sorry if you take this as an offense, I can't find any other proper explication)

If i buy it now, because it looks soo good please give me 5$ back(im not forcing u but just understand my situation below)

i wanted to ask if i could have a 50% because i bought this addon for 8$ and turns out it doesnt have rank syncing

What do you mean?

add support for trump's wall

Yes, you have to disable the Image Upload System in the Settings, at the Admin Panel

so no way to disable the warnings and time questions?

the questions are 100% customizable, and no, it only supports 1 application per site

What I meant was can there be multiple applications. Also a way to disable the default questions

Supports all servers you want (With this I mean that if you have 3 servers, and someone apply and gets accepted, they will get the desired rank in all servers)

can this be sorted for multiple servers?