Geralt's Mine and Craft | Mining, Ores, Crafting, Custom Models

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Amphisia seise.junior Purchased posted
hello I can not understand the system I install them on my serv but how do the stones appear?

zsqdzsqd Purchased posted

Can you respond to my request for support, if you don't I understand that you are busy and don't blame you

zsqdzsqd Purchased posted

His information is precious, I wanted a metal, rock, wood mining harvesting system and the possibility of crafting weapons and entities with resources, your script does it, that's perfect, as soon as I save a little money I takes your script. <3

Painless Author posted


Painless Author posted

Yes the addon supports entities for crafting and spawns at the players eye position on craft.

For wood, basically, there are trees that you can harvest

Apologies for the miscommunication

zsqdzsqd Purchased posted
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yes I know, but I want to buy your script soon, it is for this reason that I inquire.

Just knowing how to collect wood you don't mention it anywhere in your description you don't show any demonstration for the wood resource.

Also to say if the script supports craft entities, this could be indicated in the description.

Painless Author posted

You don't own the addon zsqdzsqd

zsqdzsqd Purchased posted

Hello, the resources we can collect, you mention the wood, but I did not see any explanation of how to get the wood.

Do we collect wood by chopping down trees with an axe?

As for crafting if I understood the description correctly, we can craft shipments but I would like to know if we could also craft entities?

Jouaram Purchased posted

I reviewed based on my own experience with the addon, it was bad enough for me to leave a review to warn others from wasting money, I usually do not leave any type of negative reviews unless it functioned incredibly poorly.

Painless Author posted

seems very not fair but alright? still not cool... you can ask me to make a video and then leave a bad review if I don't do it

Jouaram Purchased posted
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For reference on the review as I cannot respond I would've put a ticket in if the addon looked somewhat redeemable its base functions literally don't work, if you create a video showing the addon working start to finish I'll happily change my review.

Also the review is not intended to insult you but it's meant to deter people from wasting real life money on it like I did. I expected a working product.

Painless Author posted

In the FAQ section of addon page whirl

whirl Purchased posted

List of commands?

Geralt of Rivia posted


I have no experience with WlitOS, however I’ll help you as far as I know. (I think you’ll just need to add entities in config). If they are weapons - they will be given to player. And I guess there was function to add item as for ItemStore

What do you mean by random crystal drop?

Rodnie posted
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Geralt of Rivia

when I buy this would it be possible to get some help if needed? With the WiltOS shit

also can it be a random drop of crystals?

Geralt of Rivia posted


Hey, yes it should be compatible with WlitOS since they are regular entities, I guess?

And yes, you can change models via config

Rodnie posted

hello just a few questions before i buy it,

is it compatible with WiltOS items

can we change the models of the ores

thanks a bunch Purchased posted

No, it doesn't appear to

Geralt of Rivia posted

Doesn't it work with StormFox 2 ? Purchased posted

Hey, quick question, do you have any plans to make the weather effects on the ore compatible with the new Stormfox 2 addon?

BSense posted
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Hey, i was just wondering which lua file contains the code which draws the mats inventory.

TioStreams Purchased posted

Limited ore per resource with cooldown / way to remove ores from map planned ?

Skeptic posted

Geralt of Rivia Does this support MySQL as a storage method or only sqlite/flatfile?

Geralt of Rivia posted

I don't trust you, since you haven't bought any addon on gmodstore. I don't care if you use leaked scripts, but it's too impertinently to ask for support without buying script. Think about it. I will not report you, but you should know, that's anybody else can do this.

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