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Floating POI's
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In short

GMaps is a full-featured map and Point of Interest (POI) script for your RP server.

Brimming with Features

GMaps comes packed with tons of features, including:

  • Users can create custom POI's (see below).
  • Navmesh GPS navigation (see below).
  • Administrator functionality (see below).
  • ULX and ServerGuard support!
  • Intuitive multi-level map compatibility; tunnels included!
  • Multiple ways to open the map: Chat command, keybind, console command, or context menu icon.
  • Only the map is rendered, so you can't spy on people or bases using your minimap!
  • Easily accessible settings menu to adjust individual player preferences.
  • Drag and pan the map with your mouse.
  • Touchscreen semi-compatibility.
  • Team and player specific POI privacy settings.
  • 3D2D navigation and POI waypoints.
  • Donator privileges, including special POI icons and increased limits.
  • View all POI's in a list format.
  • Smooth transition animations.
  • Blurred window theme.
  • Over 20 POI icons, with a template so you can create your own!
  • Uses the same Navmesh system as Civs.
  • You can pin the frame to your screen as a minimap.

Pinning the minimap

It's Pronounced "Poy".

POI's (Points Of Interest) are user defined points in the world which hold special significance. Users with the proper usergroup (all users by default) can create POI's anywhere inside the map. Each one has a name, description, color, icon, and privacy settings which determine who can see them, and how they look to those who can.

POI Creation

Users with the required permissions can also designate a POI as permanent, which means it has no owner and persists across server restarts and map changes. This is really useful for other static scripts such as NPC salesmen, as users can navigate to any POI with the click of a button.

Intelligent GPS Navigation

GMaps uses Source's Navmesh system to create navigation paths between any two accessible points in the map. Simply right click anywhere on the map and select "Navigate here", and you'll be on your way with optional 3D2D waypoints. The accuracy of this system can be tweaked to fit your server's performance standards.


As a bonus, any map with a navmesh which has been configured to work with Civs is immediately ready to use with GMaps!

Navmesh Editing Toolkit Included

GMaps comes with a navmesh editing SWEP which simplifies the navmesh creation process and helps tremendously with navmesh tweaking. Video instructions on its use are available from within the SWEP's menu. Navmeshes are saved as maps/map_name.nav.

Navmeshes for some common RP maps are included. If users give me finished navmeshes I'll add them to the list.

Full list of finished navmeshes

As well as these here

Navmesh for rp_chaos_city_v33x_03 by SilentWraith

Note: I can't be expected to make navmeshes for every map. If your map isn't listed here, you'll have to make it yourself. (Don't worry, it's not that hard.๐Ÿ˜Š)

Free Test Available

If you're not sure if GMaps will work on your server or map, you can download a free tool on Use the navmesh editing swep and simple NPC to create a navmesh for your map. Once you're satisfied with the way the test NPC wanders about, feel free to upgrade to the full version.

Installation of the script is only a few steps.

  1. Open and copy the gmaps folder into your server's addons folder.
  2. Open addons/gmaps/lua/sh_gmaps_config.lua and modify your settings to your liking.

Navmesh Editing Toolkit Included

GMaps comes with a navmesh editing SWEP which simplifies the navmesh creation process and helps tremendously with navmesh tweaking. Video instructions on its use are available from within the SWEP's menu. Navmeshes are saved as maps/map_name.nav.

Navmeshes for some common RP maps are included. If users give me finished navmeshes I'll add them to the list.

Full list of finished navmeshes

As well as these here

Note: I can't be expected to make navmeshes for every map. If your map isn't listed here, you'll have to make it yourself. (Don't worry, it's not that hard.๐Ÿ˜Š)

Free Test Available

If you're not sure if GMaps will work on your server or map, you can download a free tool on Use the navmesh editing swep and simple NPC to create a navmesh for your map. Once you're satisfied with the way the test NPC wanders about, feel free to upgrade to the full version.

GMaps utilizes over 15 serverside config options and 5 clientside settings to provide adaptable use for server owners and players alike. Permissions and limits are all ULX or ServerGuard usergroup based, so you can set highly precise guidelines for the script to adhere to.

See the screenshot list for examples of the config file and settings menu.

You can locate the config in gmaps\lua\sh_gmaps_config.lua

With a built in permissions and limits system, GMaps allows players with the proper rank to perform privileged actions, such as:

  • Create publicly visible POI's, up to a custom limit per group.
  • View otherwise hidden POI's
  • Create permanent POI's
  • Delete permanent POI's
  • Make a POI using one of a list of VIP icons.
  • GPS update rate improvement
  • Create a POI using a custom icon path.
  • Delete other players' POI's

Deleting troll POI

Each permission and limit is separate from one another, so you can fine-tune your users' access to specialized features as you see fit.

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