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In short
GMod Eats adds a new way for your players to earn money by delivering food. Missions are started from the NPC on the map, and you bring a realistic backpack to the drop-off. This a new way of legal activity on your server.
The script is easy to setup, with an in-game configuration using the toolgun. You can restrict the work to some specific jobs, or let it accessible by all the jobs with the configuration.
- In-game configuration (video in media)
- Custom 3D models
- A simple flat user interface
- Interactive 3D2D VGUI
- A custom notification system
- An easy way of translation. Currently translated in English and French
Product reviews
4.53 average based on 16 reviews

J'aime bien l'addon, il est très fun et permets de visiter la map du serveur.

Fonctionne bien mais...
L'addon fonctionne bien il est vraiment sympas mais un problème lié au sac qui fait qu'il vol quand on descend d'un véhicule.

it works but were do i get the bike from
it works but were do i get the bike from please help cant frind were to get the bike

bugged and broken
its broken, the backpacks are flying in the world, its creating errors etc.

good script and easy to configure
Very good addon that config without difficulty, fast support, I recommend
1 of 4
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Product details
English, French
None specified