GMod Eats - An uber eats like delivery system

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Dom Purchased posted

I know this isn't a place for support but the script is no unsupported so any help would be lovely. When I put the NPC's in my server I restart and they all disappear and don't save even after pressing R with the correct tool gun tool. Any help would be wonderful.

Venatuss Author posted

If you want to get help, buy the script and open a ticket.

[FSB] MasTeuR39 (INSANITY) posted

Hello, I am looking for a way to save the PNJ because I do like you but the problem is that instead of saving its duplicate PNJ. Thank you

Venatuss Author posted

You have to click on it to change the status.

TioStreams Purchased posted

hey seems the status never leaves unavailable for me, anything wrong ?

Venatuss Author posted

Zomblien I was not aware of these problems! Sorry about that! Hope it goes well now :)

Zomblien Purchased posted

Thank God for 1.2.0

I literally removed the addon because of those issues

SaintY 2.0 Purchased posted
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Could you please check my support ticket plz

Venatuss Author posted

You can place more than one cook :)

SaintY 2.0 Purchased posted

Can there be many cooks ? Or only one ?

Venatuss Author posted
SaintY 2.0 Purchased posted

Is the scooter part of the addon ?

MrChen posted
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Maybe...... I think that is compatible with the ACM, will be better.

Venatuss Author posted

It's possible to restrict the NPC to one job tho.

Crap-Head posted

No, that is not possible with the script by standard.


Invictus posted

Venatuss Please tag me back or i might not see this...

Can this be made in to a job on the DarkRP f4 menu instead of an NPC?

Venatuss Author posted

Created with Character & Clothes, another of my addons.

Handi Purchased posted

where do you get the playermodel?

Crap-Head posted

The sale was deleted for some reason. I’ve created it again.

Gamefist147 posted
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How do you get the 20% Discount? It does not show up discounted on the main page

Zerochain posted

Looks pretty sick glws :)

netto posted

thanks :3

Venatuss Author posted

It's one of :)

Crap-Head posted

I believe this would be it

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