gNet - A player ran store ( In-game config, logs )

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Brickwall AuthorModerator posted

Nathan.Smiley Not anytime soon sorry.

If the server restarts nothing is given back to the player.

Nathan.Smiley posted

thanks for your answer Brickwall

Do you think that data saving can be implemented ?

Also, what is done if the player didn't sold his item before the restart ? Is he refunded ?


Brickwall AuthorModerator posted

Unfortunately not, data is not saved and is just for the restart. You could try perma propping the printer.

Nathan.Smiley posted

Hey Brickwall

Is there a kind of data saving ?

I mean, can items still in Gnet after restarts ? (or maybe we can configure how many days it last)

Also, as admins, can we save 3D printers to create withdrawal points on the map ?


[FSB] MasTeuR39 (INSANITY) posted

Hello, how do we translate the addon? I'm trying to put it in French

Brickwall AuthorModerator posted

Items are only removed on the server restarting. Not by a player disconnecting.

AvoxPaine posted

Is it correct to assume when a server restarts or a seller disconnects their listings are removed and items are essentially lost?

Brickwall AuthorModerator posted


Nooby posted

Amazing guy with some fast response! Cheers Brick!

Brickwall AuthorModerator posted

You opened it 3 hours ago, I am not constantly available sorry.

Brickwall AuthorModerator posted

Could you open a support ticket please, as the issue seems personal and not to do with the script as players cannot open the menu without using clientside lua, if however they did manage to open the menu, they cannot save the config unless they are a certain usergroup. So please open a support ticket so I can ask you a few things first.

Brickwall AuthorModerator posted

Next time create a support ticket please, I will take a look at it now.

Green posted

I see, thanks for letting me know.

Brickwall AuthorModerator posted

No, sorry.

Green posted

If players can sell the models or other items that they got in the inventory, and when others buy it the buyer receives it in their inventory while removed from the seller.

Brickwall AuthorModerator posted

What do you mean, "work for pointshop"? In what aspect?

Green posted

Does this work for pointshop?

Brickwall AuthorModerator posted

Thanks man :)

Zer0nix ⭐ posted

great idea, nice execution. glws

Brickwall AuthorModerator posted

Thanks for the comment, shame its not what you need.

Eevee posted

This could be for cars that you don‘t want or ammo or weapons that you don‘t need any longer.

I like the system, wanted to have a similar thing but the UI doesn‘t really fit my style and I‘d need to implement compatibility with my custom car dealer

Brickwall AuthorModerator posted

Well, gun dealers could just sell weapons on it and other people could buy them?

Ramone posted

This is exactly what I'm looking for, but how would this work for gun dealers and the like?

I love the idea, but I wouldn't want to replace my F4 menu's entities list etc.

Brickwall AuthorModerator posted

Thanks man :)

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