📊 GProfiler - Profiling made simple

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Callum Author posted

The Stig I'll look into possibly adding that as a functionality, can definitely see that being useful

The Stig Purchased posted

This tool is very well made, but would it be possible to add the ability to profile between map switches or automatically as soon as the server starts?

Currently, the profiler automatically switches off on changing maps, and there's no way to activate it automatically on server startup.

UÇ ! posted

Hello, since the dollar is high in my country, my budget is not enough for this plugin, is there a chance for me to give it for free, thank you very much.

Must posted

i miss lapin

Jimmy Taxi posted

Great job ! GLWS

Yoh Sambre Purchased posted

Wow this is really impressive for an incredible price, I'll buy it for sure!, thank you for proposing this tool <3

Aws0me posted

Looks really useful! GLWS.

Fleodon posted

Nice tool, GLWS!

Crap-Head posted

Callum OKane ply:GetUserGroup() is supported by all admin mods available on gmodstore, as well as any popular free ones (ULX for example)

Callum Author posted

Hey Mika32, I will try my best to have support for SAM in the next update! In the meantime, you can configure Steam IDs that have access, or if SAM has CAMI, that should work!

FrezZy | Redux NetworksGProfiler has several different profilers as opposed to FProfiler which just profiles functions alone, GProfiler has profilers for many things such as hooks, net messages, timers and functions, and there will be 2 more in the next update (Commands and Entity Vars)

Mika32 Purchased posted

Hello, can you add SAM admin mod please ?

FrezZy | MotionRP Purchased posted
● edited

what are the differences between gprofiler and fprofiler and badcoderz?

Callum Author posted
● edited

Thanks everyone! I'll have an update out later today hopefully with hopefully 2 more profilers and fixes :)

Kobralost PurchasedModerator posted


GOLDEN (KB Support) posted


Ness | Cody Harvi Purchased posted


Callum Author posted


Brickwall Moderator posted

Very useful tool! GLWS :)

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