HAD3Z - OP Admin Powers

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In short

Become a god and take control in the most fun and innovate ways to organize events and to deal with annoying players, spammers, and hackers by using your godly powers.

Convince me

  • Bring the fun back in administration, why slay someone if you can rocket them into the sky or smite them from above.
  • Players leaving because they are bored? Organize never seen before events to keep them interested.
  • The Hacky Text power can be used to organize events and create a story around the powers. Will you join Sauron in the void?
  • Stopping abusers has never been so fun, someone using an aimbot? No problem, use the Aimbot power to shoot them from anywhere through all walls to show them how it feels.
  • Chat spammers? Bah. Steal their chat and make them say whatever you want ;)
  • Lost players? Use Mind Control to show them the way.
  • Do you love trolling? You're gonna have a hell of a time :)
  • 21 available powers allowing you to switch it up.
  • Combine multiple powers (if you can handle it).
  • Powers have special effects and sounds to fully immerse the players.
  • All powers (beside aimbot) can be used on any player!
  • Power features can be individually restricted to allow you to even sell those features.


Administration Tools:

  • FAdmin
  • sAdmin
  • SAM
  • Server Guard
  • ULX
  • XAdmin


Drag and drop in `...\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons\`


All content will automatically be downloaded from the workshop.

* Size: 30mb (unpacked)


Suggestions for new features & improvements are always welcome.


Find any bugs? Let me know and they will be fixed asap!

You DON'T need any admin mod to restrict access to powers and power features.

Manage settings:

  1. Click on the settings icon in the top left corner of the menu
  2. Click on the team/rank/player you want to configure
  3. The power toggles on the right side will now become clickable
  4. Click on the power toggles to enable access for that selected team/rank/player
  5. Upon clicking a power (if it has restrictions) a restriction menu will pop up to allow individual power restrictions, green means it is allowed.
  6. Right click on a power toggle to open the restriction menu manually if it has restrictions
  7. Done!


Fully server side aimbot that cant be beat by client side aimbots, allows shooting trough any surface.


  • Target sorting method
  • Visible targets only
  • Never miss
  • Wallbanging
  • Pause on death
  • Always active
  • Key bind

Ammo Mod

Adds effects and changes damage types of all bullet weapons.


  • Effect type
  • Damage type


Creates a barrier around the player.


  • Invincible
  • Kill players
  • Kill npcs
  • Regenerate health
  • Regenerate armor
  • Block all damage (protect)
  • Inverse barrier
  • Use sound effects
  • Range (3m -> 1000m)


Completely black out the player's screen and make him unable to chat, voice chat, and move.

Bullet Time

Matrix style bullet action.


  • Invincible
  • Return all damage
  • Bullet dodge
  • Slow motion

Chat Steal

Steal a player's chat.


  • Target can chat


Erupt a powerful volcano to sweep the map with lava, try to survive while the lava goes higher and higher.


  • Start at lowest player
  • Anti-wait player catch-up
  • Spectate on death
  • Ignite props
  • Doomsday
  • Earthquake
  • Use sound effects
  • Speed (x1 -> x1000)

Hacky Text

Shows text to the top middle of the screen with a hacky effect.


  • Input
  • Size
  • Font
  • Color


Invert a player's controls and aiming.


  • Inverted movement
  • Inverted aim angles
  • Inverted jump
  • Inverted shooting
  • Inverted screen


Scare anyone at the press of a button.

  • Mode
  • Jumpscare sound
  • Pre-jumpscare sound
  • Scary image

Mind Control

Take control of a player's movement.


  • Invisible during control
  • Force physgun
  • Steal chat


Morph players into objects.


  • Target can move
  • Preselection of models
  • Custom model input


Turn a player into a walking nuke.


  • Detonation countdown
  • Use sound effects


Make players dance to a song.


  • Force dance
  • Color effects
  • Song choice (4 songs)

Rocket Launch

Turns the player into a rocket flying to space (weeeee).


  • Rocket go boooom
  • Use sound effects


Call upon the fury of Zeus to strike a player with lightning.


  • Use sound effects

Speed Hack

Go fast af boiiiiii.


  • Fast run
  • Fast walk
  • High jump
  • Infinite jump
  • Speedmo (x5)


Manipulates the void to allow entry.


  • Hide in the void
  • Drag into the void
  • Collide with props
  • Use sound effects


See through walls.


  • Chams
  • Wireframe
  • Hitboxes
  • Bones
  • Aimline
  • Weapons
  • Name
  • Team
  • Health
  • Distance
  • Lineto

Weapon Break

Break a player's weapons.


  • Target shoots himself
  • Miss all shots
  • No clip ammo
  • No reserve ammo

Weapon Mod

Mod a player's weapons.


  • Infinite clip ammo
  • Infinite reserve ammo
  • Rapidfire
  • Rapidfire toolgun
  • No spread
  • No recoil

The menu can be opened by Superadmins and players/ranks with any power permissions.

Chat: '!hadez'

Console: 'hadez_open'

How does it look: screenshots can be found at the end of the slideshow

Permissions: can be accessed by clicking on the tool icon in the left top corner of the menu

Restrictions: right click (or toggle) any permission to open the restriction menu for that power

Almost all settings can be changed directly in the menu, these are the exceptions:


Server console language

  • LOGMODE (0-3)

The amount of logs and notifications that should be shown

Product reviews

4.93 average based on 11 reviews

A very nice addon, which can be configured even for your players!
At first, I was quite skeptical about the idea of ​​offering my future collaborators such a tool giving them so much power, then I opened the addon. It is very complete and the way to configure is really well done! Besides, I even managed to give permissions for my future members, how? By offering them the possibility of using them on themselves ^^ And according to some tests that I have been able to do, people seem rather satisfied to do it! I really like the interface, moreover, which gives us the feeling of being all-powerful for a moment. In short, I recommend if you think your staff is trustworthy!
By Rayzox57 -
(version 1.1.7)
Great Fun with a good number of features!
This addon is honestly really fun to use. If you'd like something super overpowered to mess around with players then this is what ya need! Just be careful who you give access to... It's can be dangerous in the wrong hands haha
By tayto_crisps -
(version 1.1.7)
now i can finally say, im a man
before i had this script, i couldnt even aimbot my player. let aline VOID Them into darkness. BUY THIS TODAY it made my server much more funner :) +rep
This product was received for free
By Stromic -
(version 1.1.7)
Excellent addon.
Très bonne addon qui permet de s'amuser avec énormément de plaisir je le recommande.
By xKx -
(version 1.1.7)
Mom Bon 🧡
Splendid Addon
Gives me a reason to play "mini-games" with my server and whoever wins gets free points for playermodels and such. This is also a really good addon to not only do some light trolling every once in a while but also use it to moderate players who don't know how to be nice and have fun in a server.
By Mom Bon 🧡 -
(version 1.1.7)
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by Zombie Extinguisher

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