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Curator's Featured Review
Splendid Addon
Gives me a reason to play "mini-games" with my server and whoever wins gets free points for playermodels and such. This is also a really good addon to not only do some light trolling every once in a while but also use it to moderate players who don't know how to be nice and have fun in a server.
Mom Bon 🧡
In short
Become a god and take control in the most fun and innovate ways to organize events and to deal with annoying players, spammers, and hackers by using your godly powers.
Convince me
- Bring the fun back in administration, why slay someone if you can rocket them into the sky or smite them from above.
- Players leaving because they are bored? Organize never seen before events to keep them interested.
- The Hacky Text power can be used to organize events and create a story around the powers. Will you join Sauron in the void?
- Stopping abusers has never been so fun, someone using an aimbot? No problem, use the Aimbot power to shoot them from anywhere through all walls to show them how it feels.
- Chat spammers? Bah. Steal their chat and make them say whatever you want ;)
- Lost players? Use Mind Control to show them the way.
- Do you love trolling? You're gonna have a hell of a time :)
- 21 available powers allowing you to switch it up.
- Combine multiple powers (if you can handle it).
- Powers have special effects and sounds to fully immerse the players.
- All powers (beside aimbot) can be used on any player!
- Power features can be individually restricted to allow you to even sell those features.
Administration Tools:
- FAdmin
- sAdmin
- Server Guard
- XAdmin
Drag and drop in `...\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons\`
All content will automatically be downloaded from the workshop.
* Size: 30mb (unpacked)
Suggestions for new features & improvements are always welcome.
Find any bugs? Let me know and they will be fixed asap!
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Suggest new powers!
by Zombie ExtinguisherLooking for 3 new powers, send me a dm if you think you have a cool idea.
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