If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
I need the workshop link immediately, the assets don't automatically download.
Please respond.

[z_hadez_v1.1.8] addons/z_hadez_v1.1.8/lua/z_hadez/shared/sh_blackout.lua:73: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. IsBlackedout - [C]:-1
2. v - addons/z_hadez_v1.1.8/lua/z_hadez/shared/sh_blackout.lua:73
3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:96

i have problems with the Addon it seems to not work anymore...

[z_hadez] addons/z_hadez/lua/z_hadez/shared/sh_blackout.lua:73: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. IsBlackedout - [C]:-1
2. fn - addons/z_hadez/lua/z_hadez/shared/sh_blackout.lua:73
3. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109

can you answer your support ticket please

Who is the content ??

can you use the menu on every server???

kann man mit paypal zahlen oder psc

I was wondering before I buy this addon if it has console commands? I have a quest addon that allows me to use a console command as an event and being able to use one of the commands with it would synergize awesomely.

thanks mate my notifs must of been off so i dident see this for a good while thanks for the update! keep it up :)

An update is coming this week proving full compatibility with ley's anti-cheat, for the rest really busy with work but you can always expect improvements and fixes :)

any plans for future updates of this script? keep up the good work man <3

Just Wondering If theres A Content pack for this mod to add to a sever collection. this mod works wonders it will be even better if ULX or [admin mod here] commands coud be used so you dont have to use the GUI (witch dos look lovely but sometimes you wana do things faster :) ) wish you the best of luck man

That would require a complete integration as the ulx menu interface does not support certain UI elements needed to change settings, hadez's menu is specially designed in regards to those settings, that's why I will not support using other interfaces. Perhaps in a future update I will add console commands and allow them to be called from other admin menus without the ability to change settings :)

Thanks for the response!
I actually meant support for ULX commands to use the various powers without having to open the !hadez interface.
If that makes sense.

Any chance of getting direct ulx support for commands so we can limit who has access to them?
Unless I"m missing how to do that.

Feel free to tell me in your already open support ticket as to what is not working with eProtect :)

It would be great to add compatibility with: "eProtect - Keep exploiters / cheaters at bay!"

What was "thought to be impossible"

Maybe you should add the friends menu to aimbot so that aim does not react to them?