Hat's Hook

You can always read the reviews or discuss this product
If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Cid Purchased posted

Is there a Way to make the Hook stretchy? Like when Im, using it I cant go left or right or back or foward with it. Is there a way to make it to where i can move at least a little with it?

Nekro Purchased posted

Is it possible to change the speed at which the hook reels or extends?

D4KiR | Arno posted
● edited

this error comes on a server of a friend:

addons/hats_hook/lua/weapons/realistic_hook.lua:103: attempt to index field 'BaseClass' (a nil value)

my_hat_stinks Author posted

253hoeee If you need support, please ask whoever purchased the addon to open a support ticket.

253hoeee posted

[ERROR] Trying to remove server entity realistic_hook#2295 on client!

 1. unknown - addons/hats_hook/lua/weapons/realistic_hook.lua:188

please help

BorpBorp Purchased posted

Genuinely surprised you updated this after such a long time. Props to you my man.

General Shark Purchased posted

Guys stop asking for it to be free, its a buck 50, he could make it 7 but he's being nice. If you don't like the price get a free one off of the workshop!

[W-G] alexrich076/TTT RDM King posted

Make it free.. C'mon look at all the comments asking

DriedSponge Purchased posted

Can some one help me contact the dev. I opened a ticket about 5 days ago and I haven't receieved a response yet.

SKuLLzSKiLLz Purchased posted

Hey guys it needs a steam workshop thing can you guys give me the link?

Baguetti Spaghetti posted


Rainbow Purchased posted

Could you please add this to the Steam Workshop as my server pulls all my addons from the workshop rather than using FastDL...

my_hat_stinks Author posted

@Snapman Support is provided via support tickets.

my_hat_stinks Author posted

@Reverse Yes, see the Cvars section of the description.

Reverse posted

It says this addon can pull players, is it possible to disable not being able to hook/pull players?

my_hat_stinks Author posted

There should be a button on the right for support ->

Lord of Owls Purchased posted

how do I use support tickets?

my_hat_stinks Author posted

@Princess Sunbutt Support is provided via support tickets.

Lord of Owls Purchased posted

on certain maps this addon makes the map no collided with all other props, seems to happen alot when many people are using the grappling hook. I had my ammo packs start floating away like they were floating on an oceans current

my_hat_stinks Author posted

@OfficiallyNeverHere Support is provided via support tickets.

Church posted

Someone uploaded your addon on the workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=820785658&searchtext=

my_hat_stinks Author posted

@SparkyCoolPikachu You know what this site's for, right?

SparkyCoolPikachu posted

Why are you selling a Mod. Like seriously what the heck. This is literally NOT an official gmod product. Why are you selling it. It's a great mod, but why purchase it. It's not worth $1.50

MarkRP Purchased posted

its cool

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